A advanced mobile ToDo app for Android and iOS
Maker - ToDo app
Maker is an advanced ToDo mobile application created with React Native and Expo framework. This app working with Android and iOS.
Basic features
- Task list
- Quickly list
- Create, Edit and Remove task
- Task categories
- Task priority
- Repeating task system
- Finished task list
- Integrate with calendar
- Notification system
- Advanced sorting
- Searching system
- Dark mode and own themes
- App settings
- Profile tab with statistics
- Save data in local database
- Support languages: English, Polish
- Database backup system
Maker was created together with:
- React 16.8.3
- React Native 33.0.0
- React Redux 7.1.0
- Redux 4.0.4
- Redux Thunk 2.3.0
- React Navigation 3.11.1
- React Native MaterialUI 1.30.1
- React Native Datepicker 1.7.2
- React Native Dialog 5.6.0
- React Native Modal Dropdown 0.6.2
- React Native Material TextField 0.12.0
- React Native Color Picker 0.4.1
- React Native Settings List 1.8.0
- React Native Reanimated 1.0.1
- React Native Tab View 2.10.0
- Moment.JS 2.24.0
- Expo 33.0.0
- Axios 0.19.0
Change logs:
- Quickly list :heavy_check_mark:
- Integration with calendar :heavy_check_mark:
- Add notification system :heavy_check_mark:
- Add polish language :heavy_check_mark:
- Update database :heavy_check_mark:
- Fix re-render task list :heavy_check_mark:
- Change theme editing name :heavy_check_mark:
- Fix updating theme :heavy_check_mark:
- Update themes :heavy_check_mark:
- Clear and optimization code :heavy_check_mark:
ToDo list
- Support more languages
- Change calendar
- Optimization code
:heavy_check_mark: - Done
:heavy_minus_sign: - I'm working on it now
:x: - I don't start work on this