A React Native component to individually style texts inside a text

React Native Highlighted Text

A React Native component to individually style texts inside a text.

Getting Started


yarn add react-native-highlighted-text


npm install react-native-highlighted-text


With normal styles

Place the text you want to style in square brackets as shown in the example below.
[[Write your text here]]
Place all the styles you want into an array in the component's highlightedTextStyles attribute.
The bracketed text will be styled in the same order as the array styles.

import { HighlightedText } from  'react-native-highlighted-text'

      fontSize:  16,
      fontWeight:  'bold',
      fontStyle:  'italic',
      fontSize:  22,
      color:  'red',
      textTransform:  'uppercase',
  Open up [[App.tsx]] to start working on your [[app!]]

With named styles

Place all the styles you want inside an object in the component's highlightedTextStyles attribute.
In brackets, place the keys of the styling object you want, separated by a comma. Then add a = and then the text you want to style, as shown in the following example:
[[bold,red=Write your text here]]

import { HighlightedText } from  'react-native-highlighted-text'

    bold: {
      fontWeight:  'bold',
    red: {
      color:  'red',
    lg: {
      fontSize:  22,
  Lorem, ipsum [[bold=dolor]] sit amet consectetur adipisicing
  [[red=elit]]. Quaerat ducimus dicta cum [lg=expedita]] consectetur quod
  tempore voluptatum autem aspernatur. [[bold,red,lg=Aliquid]].
