A React Native view for displaying 3D models


A React Native view for displaying .obj, .dae and .scn models either on screen or in AR (iOS devices with A9 or later processors only).

Getting started

$ yarn add react-native-3d-model-view

and then

$ react-native link react-native-3d-model-view

The lib also have peer dependencies of react-native-zip-archive, react-native-fetch-blob and react-native-fs. Make sure that you yarn add and react-native link them to.


Model view

import ModelView from 'react-native-3d-model-view'

  source={{ zip: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Hamburger.zip?raw=true' }}
  onLoadModelError={this.onLoadModelError} />

AR Model view

import ARModelView, { ModelTypes } from 'react-native-3d-model-view'

  source={{ zip: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Hamburger.zip?raw=true' }}
  onTrackingQualityInfo={this.onTrackingQualityInfo} />


The source prop on both ModelView and ARView can either be a url to a server (e.g. http://example.com/yourmodel.obj) or a local path (use require). The source object can either consist of a zip prop or a model and a texture prop. Examples:

  zip: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Hamburger.zip?raw=true'


  zip: require('../obj/Hamburger.zip')


  model: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Hamburger.obj?raw=true',
  texture: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Hamburger.png?raw=true'


  model: require('../obj/Hamburger.obj'),
  texture: require('../obj/Hamburger.png')

The lib will assume that the unzipped folder result will have the same name as the .zip (e.g. Hamburger.zip => Hamburger). This might not always be the case, then you can set the name of the unzipped folder:

  zip: 'https://github.com/BonnierNews/react-native-3d-model-view/blob/master/example/obj/Archive.zip?raw=true',
  unzippedFolderName: 'Hamburger'

NOTE: File types

WaveFront (.obj) and Collada (.dae) is supported on both Android and iOS. SceneKit (.scn) is supported on iOS. Collada models with animations is autoplayed.

NOTE: Using require

To require .obj, .dae, .scn or .zip files you need to add a rn-cli.config.js to the root of your project with minimum this config:

module.exports = {
  getAssetExts: () => [ 'obj', 'dae', 'scn', 'zip' ]

See more in the example project.

NOTE: SceneKit compressed scenes

SceneKit and Collade files needs to be "SceneKit compressed scenes" on iOS. Compress with this shell command

$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/scntool --convert InFile.dae --format c3d --output OutFile.dae --force-y-up --force-interleaved --look-for-pvrtc-image

More info: developer.apple.com and stackoverflow.com



View for displaying .obj, .dae or .scn (iOS only) on screen with SceneKit or OpenGL.


Prop Type Default Note
source object null Can either consist of a zip prop or a model and a texture prop. All three can either be a url string ("http://...") or you can use require to reference a local path. The .zip archive should contain both the object and the texture. Can also contain unzippedFolderName for setting the unzipped folder name (see more above).
scale number 1 Scale of the model.
autoPlay boolean true Should animated models play on mount.


Event Name Returns Notes
onLoadModelStart null Loading model has started.
onLoadModelSuccess null Loading model has succeeded.
onLoadModelError Error Failed loading model.
onAnimationStart null Animated model has started animating.
onAnimationStop null Animated model has stopped animating.
onAnimationUpdate event Animated model animation update. Get progress from event.nativeEvent.progress


Use ref={modelView => {this.modelView = modelView}} to be able to call the methods listed below.

Method Name Returns Notes
startAnimation null Start playing animated model.
stopAnimation null Stops playing animated model.
setProgress(float) null Set animation progress of animated model (allowed values: 0-1).


View for displaying .obj, .dae or .scn in augmented reality (iOS devices with A9 or later processors only).


Prop Type Default Note
source object null Can either consist of a zip prop or a model and a texture prop. All three can either be a url string ("http://...") or you can use require to reference a local path. The .zip archive should contain both the object and the texture. Can also contain unzippedFolderName for setting the unzipped folder name (see more above).
scale number 1 Scale of the model.
autoPlay boolean true Should animated models play on mount.
miniature boolean false Shows the model in a miniature mode.
miniatureScale float 0.2 The scale of the model in miniature mode.
placeOpacity float 0.2 The opacity of the model when placing.


Event Name Returns Notes
onLoadModelStart null Loading model has started.
onLoadModelSuccess null Loading model has succeeded.
onLoadModelError Error Failed loading model.
onAnimationStart null Animated model has started animating.
onAnimationStop null Animated model has stopped animating.
onAnimationUpdate event Animated model animation update. Get progress from event.nativeEvent.progress
onStart null
onSurfaceFound null
onSurfaceLost null
onSessionInterupted null
onSessionInteruptedEnded null
onPlaceObjectSuccess null
onPlaceObjectError null
onTrackingQualityInfo {id: number, presentation: string, recommendation: string The current info about the tracking quality.
onTapObject null Called when tapped an object in the AR scene.
onTapView null Called when tapped the screen but no object was hit by the tap.


Use ref={arView => {this.arView = arView}} to be able to call the methods listed below.

Method Name Returns Notes
startAnimation null Start playing animated model.
stopAnimation null Stops playing animated model.
setProgress(float) null Set animation progress of animated model (allowed values: 0-1).
restart null Restarts the ARKit session.
getSnapshot(boolean) Promise Save a print screen of the current AR session. Boolean determines if the image should be saved to the Photo Library of the device. The promise return the url of the saved image.

Native modules


Manager for common actions needed for the ModelView.

Method Name Returns Notes
clearDownloadedFiles null Removes all downloaded model assets from the device. Should be called when exiting the app


Manager for common actions needed for the ARModelView.

Method Name Returns Notes
clearDownloadedFiles null Removes all downloaded model assets from the device. Should be called when exiting the app
checkIfARSupported(callback) null Check if ARKit is supported on the current device. Callback params is a boolean saying if it is supported or not.
