A simple and effective Text Input with mask for React Native

React Native Mask Input

A simple and effective Text Input with mask for ReactNative on iOS and Android. No fancy stuff, it's basically a JavaScript function that allow you to use custom masks easily.


  • Highly customizable masks with the use of RegExp
  • Characteres obfuscation!
  • It's just a <TextInput/> component, no fancy/complex stuff
  • Use React Native ES6, Typescript and React Hooks
  • Exports the function that do all the magic: formatWithMask


npm install react-native-mask-input


yarn add react-native-mask-input


import MaskInput from 'react-native-mask-input';

function MyComponent() {
  const [phone, setPhone] = React.useState('');

  return (
      onChangeValue={(masked, unmasked, obfuscated) => {
        setPhone(masked); // you can use the unmasked value as well

        // assuming you typed "9" all the way:
        console.log(masked); // (99) 99999-9999
        console.log(unmasked); // 99999999999
        console.log(obfuscated); // (99) 99999-9999 (there's no obfuscation on this mask example)
        /\d/, // that's because I want it to be a digit (0-9)
        ' ',


Prop Type Default Description
...TextInputProps Inherit all props of TextInput.
value number The value for controlled input. REQUIRED
onChangeText function Callback that is called when the input's text changes. differently of the default function, this one receive three arguments: (maskedText, unmaskedText, obfuscatedText) => void REQUIRED
mask Mask An array where each item defines one character of the value. If the item is a string, that string will be used, if it is an RegExp, it will validate the input on it.
showObfuscatedValue boolean false Whether or not to display the obfuscated value on the TextInput.
placeholderFillCharacter string _ Character to be used as the "fill character" on the default placeholder value.
obfuscationCharacter string * Character to be used on the obfuscated characteres.


An array where each item defines one character of the value. If the item is a string, that string will be used, if it is an RegExp, it will validate the input on it.

To be clear: All the characters you want to be inputed by the user must be a RegExp in your mask.

If you want a mask for Zip Code, for example, you'd do like this:

const zipCodeMask = [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];

That's because the RegExp /\d/ accepts any digit character (0-9)

const { masked, unmasked, obfuscated } = formatWithMask({
  text: '71680345',
  mask: zipCodeMask,

console.log(masked); // "71680-345"
console.log(unmasked); // "71680345"
console.log(obfuscated); // "71680-345"

Using function mask

The mask can also be a function that receives the current value and returns the array mask. That's to help you to change the mask dynamically based on the value.

function MyComponent() {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');

  return (
      mask={(text) => {
        // that's a nonsense example, sorry
        if (text.charAt(0) === '1') {
          return [/\d/, '-', /\d/];
        } else {
          return [/\d/, '/', /\d/];


To mark a character as obfuscated, use the RegExp within an array, like this:

const zipCodeMaskWithObfuscation = [

function MyComponent() {
  const [zipCode, setZipCode] = React.useState('');

  return (
      onChangeValue={(masked, unmasked, obfuscated) => {
        setValue(unmasked); // you can use the masked value as well

        // assuming you typed "71680345":
        console.log(masked); // "71680-345"
        console.log(unmasked); // "71680345"
        console.log(obfuscated); // "71***-345"

Predefined Masks

in order to perhaps help some of you, some commonly used masks are exported, if it does not fit your use case I hope it'll at least serve as an inspiration:

import MaskInput, { Masks } from 'react-native-mask-input';

function MyComponent() {
  const [creditCard, setCreditCard] = React.useState('');

  return (
Mask Use case
Masks.BRL_CPNJ 33.594.232/0001-00
Masks.BRL_CPF 903.549.000-21
Masks.BRL_CURRENCY R$ 1.234,56
Masks.BRL_PHONE (61) 99966-7746
Masks.CREDIT_CARD 9999 **** **** 9999
Masks.DATE_DDMMYYYY 12/04/1995
Masks.DATE_MMDDYYYY 04/12/1995
Masks.DATE_YYYYMMDD 1995/04/12
Masks.ZIP_CODE 71680-345


This is a helper function to create a number mask, you'd use this on currency input cases for example.

import MaskInput, { createNumberMask } from 'react-native-mask-input';

function MyComponent() {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');

  return (
        prefix: ['U', '$', ' '],
        delimiter: ',',
        separator: '.',
        precision: 2,
      onChangeValue={(masked, unmasked, obfuscated) => {
        setValue(unmasked); // you can use the masked value as well

        // assuming you typed "123456":
        console.log(masked); // "U$ 1,234.56"
        console.log(unmasked); // "123456"
        console.log(obfuscated); // "U$ 1,234.56" (there's no obfuscation on the generated mask)


Name Type Default Description
prefix Mask ["R", "$", " "] Mask to be prefixed on the mask result.
delimiter string . Character for thousands delimiter.
separator string , Decimal separator character.
precision number 2 Decimal precision.



git clone https://github.com/caioquirinomedeiros/react-native-mask-input.git
cd react-native-mask-input/example
yarn android / yarn ios


import { formatWithMask, Masks } from 'react-native-mask-input';

const creditCard = '9999999999999999';

const { masked, unmasked, obfuscated } = formatWithMask({
  text: phone,
  mask: Masks.CREDIT_CARD,
  obfuscationCharacter: '-',

console.log(masked); // 9999 9999 9999 9999
console.log(unmasked); // 9999999999999999
console.log(obfuscated); // 9999 ---- ---- 9999


Name Type Default Description
text string Text to be formatted with the mask.
mask Mask An array where each item defines one character of the value. If the item is a string, that string will be used, if it is an RegExp, it will validate the input on it.
obfuscationCharacter string * Character to be used on the obfuscated characteres.

