A simple gradient library for React Native

React Native Gradients

A simple gradient library for React Native.


First of all, install React Native Gradients using following commands.

// via NPM
npm install --save react-native-gradients

// via Yarn
yarn add react-native-gradients

It uses React Native SVG library, and because of this, link this library before run application.

react-native link react-native-svg


It supports only linear gradient for now and it takes two props.

const colorList = [
  {offset: '0%', color: '#231557', opacity: '1'},
  {offset: '29%', color: '#44107A', opacity: '1'},
  {offset: '67%', color: '#FF1361', opacity: '1'},
  {offset: '100%', color: '#FFF800', opacity: '1'}
<LinearGradient colorList={colorList} degree={90}/>
