A simple mobile application where you can save your tasks Created with React Native


Todooo is a simple mobile application where you can save your tasks. I made that app, because I wanted try something new and the choice were React Native.


- Create/Delete Tasks Sections (e.g. School, Life)
- Create/Delete Tasks 
- List of All Finished Tasks
- Dark Theme
- Delete All Sections/Tasks/Finished Tasks


Todooo application is using Expo, so if you want to start locally, just use npm start after clone. If you want to build .apk file, you have to use npm run build:android (before you have to log in to expo account).

Sadly, I don’t know what about iOS.

Images [White Mode]

Images [Dark Mode]


Project is under GNU General Public License v3.0. You can read more there: www.gnu.org


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