A swipe button ready-to-use and highly customizable


A swipe button ready-to-use and highly customizable. This component is intended to be used on expo managed app because it uses the expo-linear-gradient package.


npm install react-native-expo-swipe-button --save
yarn add react-native-expo-swipe-button


import { SwipeButton } from 'react-native-expo-swipe-button';

function Home(): JSX.Element {
  return (
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'center',
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        flexDirection: 'column',
          <MaterialIcons name="keyboard-arrow-right" size={50} color="white" />
        onComplete={() => Alert.alert('Completed')}
        title="Swipe to complete"
        containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'gray' }}
        underlayTitle="Release to complete"
        underlayTitleStyle={{ color: 'white' }}
          <MaterialIcons name="keyboard-arrow-right" size={50} color="white" />
        onComplete={() => {}}
        title="Gradient swipe"
          colors: ['red', 'cyan'],
          start: [0, 0.5],
          end: [1, 0.5],
        underlayTitle="Release to complete"
          borderRadius: 180,
          colors: ['green', 'yellow'],
          start: [0, 0.5],
          end: [1, 0.5],
          <MaterialIcons name="keyboard-arrow-right" size={50} color="white" />
        onComplete={() => {}}
        title="Custom format swipe"
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',
          borderWidth: 0,
          borderColor: 'red',
          borderRadius: 0,
          borderWidth: 5,
          borderColor: 'red',
          backgroundColor: 'transparent',
        underlayTitle="Release to complete"
        underlayTitleStyle={{ color: 'white' }}
            colors={['red', 'yellow']}
            style={[styles.titleContainer, { height: 60, borderRadius: 25 }]}
            start={[0, 0.5]}
            end={[1, 0.5]}
              Full custom swipe
            colors={['pink', 'yellow']}
            style={[styles.titleContainer, { height: 60, borderRadius: 25 }]}
            start={[0, 0.5]}
            end={[1, 0.5]}
              Release to complete


Prop Description Type Default Is Required
disabled If disabled is set to true it will not be possible to interact with the button. boolean false no
completeThresholdPercentage Determine when onComplete should be invoked. number 70% no
goBackToStart If true, the circle will go back to the start position after swipe is completed. boolean false no
width The width of the component. number 90% no
height The height of the component. number 70 no
circleSize define the size of the circle button number 70 no
underlayStyle The styling of the underlay container StyleProp<ViewStyle> {position: 'absolute',backgroundColor: '#152228',borderTopStartRadius: DEFAULT_BORDER_RADIUS,borderBottomStartRadius: DEFAULT_BORDER_RADIUS,borderBottomEndRadius: DEFAULT_BORDER_RADIUS, borderTopEndRadius: DEFAULT_BORDER_RADIUS } no
containerStyle Styling of the outer container StyleProp<ViewStyle> {backgroundColor: 'white',alignSelf: 'center',justifyContent: 'center', marginVertical: 10 } no
iconContainerStyle The styling of the button StyleProp<ViewStyle> { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: 'black', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' } no
borderRadius The border radius of the container and the Icon number height / 2 no
containerGradientProps gradient props for the container. Using this will actually use a linear gradient as view `{ colors?: string[]; } & Omit<LinearGradientProps, ‘colors’ ‘style’>` none
underlayContainerGradientProps gradient props for the underlayContainer. Using this will actually use a linear gradient as view `{ colors?: string[]; } & Omit<LinearGradientProps, ‘colors’ ‘style’>` none
Icon Element that should be displayed inside the button JSX.Element none yes
circleBackgroundColor Background color for the circle string black no
borderRadius set border radius for the circle number none no
title The text that will be displayed in the container string none yes
titleExtraTextProps Additional props for the title text TextProps none no
titleStyle Additional styling for the title text StyleProp<TextStyle> { color: 'black', fontSize: 16, maxWidth: '50%', textAlign: 'center' } no
titleContainerExtraViewProps Additional props for the title container ViewProps none no
titleContainerStyle Additional styling for the title container StyleProp<ViewStyle> { justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' } no
titleElement An JSX element you can define to replace the title default component. Using this will omit the others title props JSX.Element none no
underlayTitle The text that will be displayed in the underlay container string '' no
underlayTitleExtraTextProps Additional props for the underlay title text TextProps none no
underlayTitleStyle Additional styling for the underlay title text StyleProp<TextStyle> { color: 'black', fontSize: 16, maxWidth: '50%', textAlign: 'center' } no
underlayTitleContainerExtraViewProps Additional props for the underlay title container ViewProps none no
underlayTitleContainerStyle Additional styling for the underlay title container StyleProp<ViewStyle> { justifyContent: 'center' alignItems: 'center' } no
underlayTitleElement An JSX element you can define to replace the underlay title default component. Using this will omit the others title props JSX.Element none no
onComplete Callback that will be invoked when complete threshold has been reached () => void none yes
onSwipeProgress callback for swiping in progress (progress: number) => void none no
onSwipeStart Callback that will be invoked when the user starts swiping () => void none no
onSwipeEnd Callback that will be invoked when the user ends swiping () => void none no

A complete minimal example can be found Here.

Known issues


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