An animated set of 3D UI buttons with React Native

React Native AwesomeButton

react-native-really-awesome-button is a performant, extendable, production ready ReactNative component that renders an animated set of 3D UI buttons.


npm install --save react-native-really-awesome-button


yarn add react-native-really-awesome-button



  import AwesomeButton from 'react-native-really-awesome-button';

  function Button() {
    return (


  import AwesomeButton from 'react-native-really-awesome-button';

  function Button() {
    return (
       onPress={(next) => {
         /** Do Something **/

Custom Children

  import AwesomeButton from 'react-native-really-awesome-button';

  function Button() {
    return (
       <Image source="require('send-icon.png)" />
       <Text>Send it</Text>

Importing a specific theme

  import AwesomeButtonRick from 'react-native-really-awesome-button/src/themes/rick';

  function Button() {
    return (
     <AwesomeButtonRick type="primary">Rick's Primary Button</AwesomeButtonRick>
     <AwesomeButtonRick type="secondary">Rick's Secondary Button</AwesomeButtonRick>


Attributes Type Default Description
activityColor string #FFFFFF Progress button error label text
backgroundActive string #C0C0C0 Button active background-color
backgroundColor string #C0C0C0 Button main background-color
backgroundPlaceholder string #C0C0C0 Button placeholder background-color
backgroundProgress string #C0C0C0 Button progress bar background-color
backgroundShadow string #C0C0C0 Button progress bar background-color
backgroundDarker string #9F9F9F Button front face background-color
borderColor string null Button border-color
borderRadius number 4 Button border-radius
borderWidth number 0 Button border-width
disabled bool true Button disabled state: cancels animation and onPress func
height number 50 Button height
onPress Func null Button onPress function
progress bool false Enable progress animation
raiseLevel number 4 Button 3D raise level
springRelease bool true Button uses spring on the release animation
style Style null Button container custom styles
textColor string #FFFFFF Button default label text color
textLineHeight number 20 Button default label text line-height
textSize number 16 Button default label text font-size
width number 200 Button width
