An overlay component built using react native modal


An overlay component built using native Modal which can be invoked from anywhere in the component hierarchy.


  • Unlike other modal/overlay components, it can be triggered from anywhere in the component hierarchy since it is using react-native Modal.
  • Used react-native components. So no linking is required.
  • Works out of the box for both Android and IOS.
  • Can be customised by passing style props.
  • Supports closeOnTouchOutside.



This module accepts the following props:

Prop Explanation Default Value Type
animationType Animation Type for modal/overlay. Can be any of the animations provided by react-native-animatable. Example: fadeInUp zoomIn, bounceIn, flipInX, lightSpeedIn, etc. 'fadeIn' string
easing Timing function for the animation provided by react-native-animatable 'ease' string
visible Sets modal visibility false Boolean
closeOnTouchOutside If modal should close on touching outside the child component false Boolean
onClose Function to be called on close. noop Function
containerStyle Style for the Overlay container. {} Object
childrenWrapperStyle Style for children container. {} Object
accessible Whether internal components should be declared as accessible. Useful for iOS XCUITest. true Boolean


npm install react-native-modal-overlay --save or if you are using Yarn, yarn add react-native-modal-overlay


Simple usage with default props

import React, { Component} from 'react';
import Overlay from 'react-native-modal-overlay';

export default class OverlayExample extends Component {
  state = {
    modalVisible: true, 
  onClose = () => this.setState({ modalVisible: false});
  render() {
    return (
        <Overlay visible={this.state.modalVisible} onClose={this.onClose} closeOnTouchOutside>
          <Text>Some Modal Content</Text>

Complex usage with render props

Use case: For Example you have a cross button inside your modal and you want to close the modal when the button is pressed. This can be done by calling hideModal argument in the render props instead of calling onClose. Refer to the example below:

import React, { Component, Fragment} from 'react';
import Overlay from 'react-native-modal-overlay';

export default class OverlayExample extends Component {
  state = {
    modalVisible: true, 
  onClose = () => this.setState({ modalVisible: false});
  render() {
    return (
      <Overlay visible={this.state.modalVisible} onClose={this.onClose} closeOnTouchOutside
        animationType="zoomIn" containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(37, 8, 10, 0.78)'}}
        childrenWrapperStyle={{backgroundColor: '#eee'}}
          (hideModal, overlayState) => (
              <Text>Some Modal Content</Text>
              <Text onPress={hideModal}>Close</Text>

Note that the whole hideModal and internal state of the component is being passed as arguments to the render prop.

Example Project URL:

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