Apple Card circular picker component in react native

react-native-circular-picker (WIP)

Apple Card circular picker component in react native.


1. Install react-native-svg

expo install react-native-svg

2. Install react-native-circular-picker

yarn add react-native-circular-picker


import { useState } from 'react';
import CircularPicker from 'react-native-circular-picker';

export default () => {
  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
  const handleChange = (v) => setPrice((v * 20).toFixed(0));

  return (
      steps={[15, 40, 70, 100]}
        0: ['rgb(255, 97, 99)', 'rgb(247, 129, 119)'],
        15: ['rgb(255, 204, 0)', 'rgb(255, 214, 10)'],
        40: ['rgb(52, 199, 89)', 'rgb(48, 209, 88)'],
        70: ['rgb(0, 122, 255)', 'rgb(10, 132, 255)'],
        <Text style={{ textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 24, marginBottom: 8 }}>{price} $</Text>
        <Text style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>Available balance 2000 $</Text>


Name Default type description
size (required) - number size of the component
strokeWidth 45 number
defaultPos 0 number
steps [] [number]
gradients { 0: ['rgb(255, 204, 0)', 'rgb(255, 214, 10)'] } object
backgroundColor 'rgb(231, 231, 231)' string
stepColor 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)' string
borderColor 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' string
onChange (val) => undefined function value in percent


You can defines clickable steps on the circle.
steps are defined by an array of position (0 - 100).


You can define gradients according the position of the cursor on the circle.
Gradients are defined by an object, the key is the starting percentage and the value is an array of colors.

  0:  ['rgb(255, 97, 99)', 'rgb(247, 129, 119)'],
  15: ['rgb(255, 204, 0)', 'rgb(255, 214, 10)'],
  40: ['rgb(52, 199, 89)', 'rgb(48, 209, 88)'],
  70: ['rgb(0, 122, 255)', 'rgb(10, 132, 255)'],


  • Animation with React Animated when you click on steps
  • Improve end bounding area
