Awesome navigation for your React Native app

React Native Router

Awesome navigation for your React Native app.

var TwitterApp = require('./node_modules/react-native-router/twitter-example');

var {
} = React;

AppRegistry.registerComponent('routerTest', () => TwitterApp);


The <Router \> object used to initialize the navigation can take the following props:

  • firstRoute (required): A React class corresponding to the first page of your navigation
  • headerStyle: Apply a StyleSheet to the navigation bar. You'll probably want to change the backgroundColor for example.
  • titleStyle: Apply a StyleSheet to the navigation bar titles. Useful for changing the font or text color.
  • backButtonComponent: By default, the navigation bar will display a simple "Back" text for the back button. To change this, you can specify your own backButton component (like in the Twitter app).
  • rightCorner: If you have the same occuring action buttons on the right side of your navigation bar (like the Twitter "Compose"-button), you can specify a component for that view.
  • customAction: A special callback prop for your action buttons (this can be handy for triggering a side menu for example). The action gets triggered from your custom leftCorner or rightCorner components by calling this.props.customAction("someActionName") from them. It is then picked up like this: <Router customAction={this.doSomething} />.

The this.props.toRoute() callback prop takes one parameter (a JavaScript object) which can have the following keys:

  • name: The name of your route, which will be shown as the title of the navigation bar unless it is changed.
  • component (required): The React class corresponding to the view you want to render.
  • leftCorner: Specify a component to render on the left side of the navigation bar (like the "Add people"-button on the first page of the Twitter app)
  • rightCorner: Specify a component to render on the right side of the navigation bar
  • titleComponent: Specify a component to replace the title. This could for example be your logo (as in the first page of the Instagram app)
  • headerStyle: change the style of your header for the new route. You could for example specify a new backgroundColor and the router will automatically make a nice transition from one color to the other!
  • data: Send custom data to your route.
