Better styling for react-native


Better styling for react-native.

Module features:

  • ? Very light and simple;

  • ⚡️ Hooks support;

  • ? Theming support;

  • ⛱️ Typescript support;

  • ? Easy integrated with jest;

  • ? CSS Media Queries syntax.

  • Live demo;


react-native-stylex requires react-native 0.59.0 or later.

1️⃣ Add module

yarn add react-native-stylex

# or npm install react-native-stylex

2️⃣ Add theme <ThemeProvider/>

Stylex provides component, which makes the theme available to the rest of your app:

import { ThemeProvider } from "react-native-stylex";

const theme = {
  palette: { textColor: "black" },
  utils: { fade: (color, value) => {} }

const Root = () => (
  <ThemeProvider value={theme}>
    <App />

export default Root;

3️⃣ Create styles makeUseStyles(...)

Stylex provides a helper function to inject styles to your component.

Normally, you’ll use it in this way:

import { makeUseStyles, maxWidth } from "react-native-stylex";

const useStyles = makeUseStyles(({ palette, utils }) => ({
  root: {
    color: utils.fade(palette.text.textColor, 0.5),
    height: 100,
    // On screens that are 320 or less, set the height to 69
    ...maxWidth(320, { height: 69 })
  // Another syntax, `.row` property would be `null` or passed object
  point: maxWidth(320, { height: 4, width: 4 })

export default useStyles;

4️⃣ Inject styles useStyles(...) & withStyles(...)

And finally just use in component:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import useStyles from "./styles";

// Functional component (hooks variant)
const Root = () => {
  const styles = useStyles();

  return <View style={styles.root} />;

export default Root;


// Class component (HOC variant)
class Root extends Component {
  render() {
    const { styles } = this.props;

    return <View style={styles.row} />;

export default withStyles(useStyles)(Root);
