Bus Timetable app built with React Native

Bus Timetable App

Bus Timetable app React Native

View realtime arrivals, based on the vehicle's GPS location.
It is similar to Moovit.app but only supports one country, 
Georgia Tbilisi === საქართველო თბილისი.


Tech Description Using
React Native React Native app for Android & iOS react-native, expo
CSS-in-JS A StyleSheet is an abstraction similar to CSS StyleSheets StyleSheet
JavaScript Seems like javascript LUL RN
Data Source Database for getting bus info based on vehicle location DataBase
Deployed Available on Android but iOS isn't available yet. Play Store, App Store


If you have encountered a bug, or have a useful suggestion how to improve,
Create issue, or make a pull request! 

Follow me on Twitter to keep up with my future projects.

