Create custom navigation for react native apps

React Native top-navbar

A @mindinventory/rn-top-navbar package is use to create custom navigation for react native apps. user can fully customize navbar. you can change the background color of statusbar. Navigation can contain component like icon, image, text.


using npm:

npm install @mindinventory/rn-top-navbar

using yarn:

yarn add @mindinventory/rn-top-navbar

Supported platform

  • Android
  • Ios


import Header from '@mindinventory/rn-top-navbar';
<Header style={{ backgroundColor: '#009999' }} statusBarBackground='#008080' barStyle='light-content'>
    <Header.Left style={{ backgroundColor: '#009999', width: "15%" }}>
        <Icon name='arrow-left' style={{color: '#fff', fontSize: 18}} />
    <Header.Body style={{ backgroundColor: '#009999', width: "70%" }}>
        <Text style={{color: '#fff'}}>Header Title</Text>
    <Header.Right style={{ backgroundColor: '#009999', flexDirection: 'row', width: '15%' }}>
        <Icon name='bars' style={{color: '#fff', fontSize: 18}} />


Navbar container props

Prop Type description
statusBarBackground string use for change background color of status bar.
barStyle string use for change content of status bar.
style style apply styles on navbar container.

Left container props

Prop Type description
style style apply styles on left container.

Body container props

Prop Type description
style style apply styles on body container.

Right container props

Prop Type description
style style apply styles on right container.
