Create magical move transitions between scenes in react native


Create magical move transitions between scenes in react-native.



$ yarn add react-native-magic-move

Wrap your app with the <MagicMove.Provider> context.

import * as MagicMove from 'react-native-magic-move';

const App = () => (

Add the <MagicMove.{View|Image|Text}> component to your views. Whenever the Magic Move component
is mounted while another Magic Move component with the same id is already mounted, then a magic transition between the components is performed.

import * as MagicMove from 'react-native-magic-move';

const Scene1 = () => (
    <MagicMove.View id="logo" style={{
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        backgroundColor: "green",
        borderRadius: 50
      }} />

const Scene2 = () => (
    <MagicMove.View id="logo" style={{
        width: 200,
        height: 200,
        backgroundColor: "purple",
        borderRadius: 0
      }} />



The following magic-move components are supported out of the box.

  • MagicMove.View
  • MagicMove.Text
  • MagicMove.Image

You can also create your own custom MagicMove components.

MyCustomComponent = MagicMove.createMagicMoveComponent(MyCustomComponent);


Property Type Default Description
id string (required) Unique id of the magic-move instance
duration number 400 Length of the animation (milliseconds)
delay number 0 Amount of msec to wait before starting the animation
easing function Easing.inOut(Easing.ease) Easing function to define the curve
transition function (default transition) Transition effect
useNativeDriver boolean false Enables the native-driver
keepHidden boolean false Keeps the source component hidden after the animation has completed
debug boolean false Enables debug-mode to analyze animations


Use <MagicMove.Scene> to mark the start of a scene within the rendering hierarchy.
This is important so that Magic Move can correctly assess the destination-position of an animation.
MagicMove.Scene is implemented using a regular View and supports all its properties.


Transitions are an experimental feature for which the API may change. At the moment only two transitions are supported default and flip.

To use the experimental flip transition, use:

const flipTransition = MagicMove.Transition.flip({
  x: true,  // set to true for a flip over the horizontal axis
  y: false, // set to true for a flip over the vertival axis
  step: 0.5 // [0..1]

<MagicMove.View transition={flipTransition} .../>


Example with scene transitions using react-native-router-flux.

import React from "react";
import { View, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
import { Router, Stack, Scene, Actions } from "react-native-router-flux";
import * as MagicMove from "react-native-magic-move";

const Scene1 = () => (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => Actions.scene2()}>
      <MagicMove.View id="myView" style={{
        alignSelf: "center",
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        backgroundColor: "green",
        borderRadius: 20
      }} />

const Scene2 = () => (
    <MagicMove.View id="myView" style={{
      height: 300,
      backgroundColor: "purple"
    }} />

const App = () => (
      <Stack key="root">
        <Scene key="scene1" component={Scene1} />
        <Scene key="scene2" component={Scene2} />
