Customisable picker and datePicker react-native components for Android and iOS


Customisable picker and datePicker react-native components for Android and iOS.


npm install react-native-woodpicker --save



You can use Picker to pick values/objects.

import { Picker } from 'react-native-woodpicker'


class ExampleApp extends Component {
  state = {
    pickedData: null

  data = [
    { label: "DataCat", value: 1 },
    { label: "DataDog", value: 2 },
    { label: "DataSnake", value: 3 },
    { label: "DataPlatypus", value: 4 },
    { label: "DataWhale", value: 5 }

  handlePicker = data => {
    this.setState({ pickedData: data });

  render() {
    return (
          title="Data Picker"
          placeholder="Select Data"


You can use DatePicker to pick Dates.
Unlike the Picker, you need to handle the placeholder.

import { DatePicker } from 'react-native-woodpicker'


class ExampleApp extends Component {
  state = {
    pickedDate: null

  handlePicker = data => {
    this.setState({ pickedData: data });

  handlePlaceholder = () =>
      ? this.state.pickedDate.toDateString()
      : "No value Selected";

  render() {
    return (
          title="Date Picker"



Name type Required Description
title string false Configure the picker title (not the placeholder)
placeholder string false Configure the placeholder when no value is selected
style StyleObj false Configure the input style (View)
containerStyle StyleObj false Configure the input container style (View)
placeholderStyle StyleObj false Configure the placeholder style (Text)
disabled boolean false Disable the input
isNullable boolean false Picker : Add null value on items, DatePicker: add reset button

Picker specific

Name type Required Description
item { label: string, value: any } true Configure the picker title (not the placeholder)
onValueChange (item: { label: string, value: any }) => {} true Configure the placeholder when no value is selected
items Array<{ label: string, value: any }> true Configure the input style (View)
androidPickerMode "dialog" or "dropdown" false Configure the input container style (View)

DatePicker specific

Name type Required Description
date Date true Configure the picker title (not the placeholder)
onDateChange (date: ?Date) => {} true Configure the placeholder when no value is selected
locale "string" (Locale IDs) false Change the iOS picker locale
iosPickerMode "date" or "time" or "datetime" false Change the iOS picker interface
androidPickerMode "calendar" or "spinner" or "default" false Change the Android picker interface
minDate Date false Restrict date selection with a minimum date
maxDate Date false Restrict date selection with a minimum date
