Customizable checkbox list with multi-select/deselect options


The goal of rn-checkbox-list is to achieve the checkbox list with minimal effort and easy customisation.

Android screenshots

iOS screenshots


rn-checkbox-list version Platform
> 0.3 Android, iOS, Windows
<=0.2 Android


This library is available on npm, install it with:
npm i rn-checkbox-list
yarn add rn-checkbox-list


  1. Import rn-checkbox-list:
import CheckboxList from 'rn-checkbox-list';
  1. Create data with id and name:
[{ id: 1, name: 'Green Book' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bohemian Rhapsody' }];
  1. Add data to imported component
<CheckboxList headerName="This is header name" listItems={data} />

Sample example

  onChange={({ ids, items }) => console.log('My updated list :: ', ids)}
  listItemStyle={{ borderBottomColor: '#eee', borderBottomWidth: 1 }}
  checkboxProp={{ boxType: 'square' }} // iOS (supported from v0.3.0)
  onLoading={() => <LoaderComponent />}

Check for complete example here.

Available props

Name Type Default Description
listItems object array [] List of checkboxes
selectedListItems object array [] List of selected items(subset of listItems)
headerName string '' Shows header with the given name
listItemStyle object {} Each check list style
checkboxProp object {} Custom checkbox style
headerStyle object {} Header check list style
onChange function null Fires on each checkbox select or deselect
onLoading function null When the list is empty and a loader needs to be shown
theme string #1A237E Custom theme color for checkbox


  • [x] Importing checkbox through updated react-native package (removing warnings)
  • [x] Customisable checkbox colors
  • [x] Provide selected items and selected ids
  • [x] Support for default selected items
  • [x] Support iOS

Pull requests, feedbacks and suggestions are welcome!
