Easy React Native Layout & Grid for the Dumb

React Native Easy Grid

This is NOT-JUST-ANOTHER-GRID-LAYOUT library! We are trying to simplify flexbox with easier approach.


npm install react-native-easy-grid --save


Include the components

import { Col, Row, Grid } from "react-native-easy-grid";

1. Two columns (50% and 50%)


Note: If you don't assign the size property, it defaults to equal width (or height) with its siblings

2. Two rows


3. Two rows (75% and 25%)

    <Row size={75}></Row>
    <Row size={25}></Row>

This is exactly same as

    <Row size={3}></Row>
    <Row size={1}></Row>

Same concept applies to <Col />

4. Three columns (33.33% each)


5. Three rows (50%, 25% and 25%)

    <Row size={2}></Row>
    <Row size={1}></Row>
    <Row size={1}></Row>

6. Nested Layout or Grid

1 2

7. Fixed width and fluid width combination

    <Col style={{ width: 40 }}>
        <Text>Fixed width</Text>
        <Text>Fluid width</Text>

8. Fixed height and fluid height combination

    <Row style={{ height: 40 }}>
        <Text>Fixed width</Text>
        <Text>Fluid width</Text>

Do you think anything could be simpler than that? This repo is part of our bigger project called NativeBase.io. Do check that!

Important note about usage with <ScrollView />

Note: If you're using <Row /> inside a <ScrollView />, the height of the component would be flexible according to the content, though you can always apply the height styling.
