Elastick Stack for React Native


React Native component that implements elastic stack effect.


$ npm install @monterosa/react-native-elastic-stack --save


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Basic Usage

import ElasticStack from '@monterosa/react-native-elastic-stack';

// Inside of a component's render() method:
render() {
  return (
      items={Array.from({ length: 5 }).map(
        (_, i) => `http://lorempixel.com/640/480/city/?item=${i}`,
      renderItem={url => <Item image={url} width={itemWidth} height={itemHeight} />}


Please clone the repo and run npm run storybook or yarn storybook to show examples of usages.

Usage (API)

onPanResponderGrant: PropTypes.func,
onPanResponderRelease: PropTypes.func,

Property Type Defaut Description
style object {} Component's styles.
items array [] Array of data for the items to be rendered.
onSwiped func (itemIndex) => {} Function to be called when a item is swiped.
infinite bool false Keep swiping indefinitely.
distDrag number 70 If the user stops dragging the image in a area that does not exceed for either x or y then the image goes back to the stack.
onXChange func () => {) Function to be called when x of current item changed.
onYChange func () => {} Function to be called when y of current item changed
itemWidth number Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.8 This is the width of the item.
itemHeight number Dimensions.get('window').height * 0.8 This is the width of the item.
directions array [true, true, true, true] Supported directions([top, right, bottom, left]) in which items can swipe out.
renderItem func (itemData, itemWidth, itemHeight) => {} Function to render the item based on the data.
onSwipedTop func (itemIndex) => {} Function to be called when a item is swiped top.
onSwipedLeft func (itemIndex) => {} Function to be called when a item is swiped left.
onStackEnded func () => {} Function to be called when stack is ended.
rotateDegree number 10 The value by which items should rotate.
reduceScaleBy number 0.05 The value by which the next items should decrease.
onSwipedRight func (itemIndex) => {} Function to be called when a item is swiped right.
reduceDegreeBy number 0.65 The value by which the next items should reduce rotate.
onSwipedBottom func (itemIndex) => {} Function to be called when a item is swiped bottom.
reduceOpacityBy number 0.2 The value by which the next item should be more transparent.
activeItemIndex number 0 Default item index.
stackEffectHeight number 5 The height of the stack effect.
reduceTransformBy number 0.7 The value by which the next items should reduce transforms.
elastickItemsCount number 3 Count of items rendered at the same time.
onPanResponderGrant func () => {}
onPanResponderRelease func () => {}
