Firebase incoming call notifications for React Native

Android Call Notifications App

Banner Notifications FullScreen Notifications

Prerequisites for project

  1. Create a firebase project from firebase console
  2. Download google-services.json from your project and place in android>app directory.
  3. Make sure of your app package name. The package name should be unique while creating a project in firebase console.
  4. Replace the existing package(com.viauapp) name with your package name in the RNFirebaseCallNotifications project.

Project setup

  1. Clone the repository and go to root directory and do npm install
  2. And start metro bundler react-native start --reset-cache
  3. Connect your android device or start emulator and run the following command react-native run-android
  4. You will find the fcm token in console log. Use that fcm token to test the call notifications

Send notification request example for api


+ Headers

            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": "key=AAAA39to........"

+ Content

            "to": "****",
                "title": "Incoming call",
                "body": "Alex is calling",
                //you can add custom key values here
            "priority": high,

Request detail:
