Generate GitHub Flavored Markdown using React Native WebView

React Native Github Markdown

Generate GitHub Flavored Markdown (with syntax highlight) using React Native WebView.


npm i react-native-github-markdown


  • Render GitHub Flavored Markdown on your React Native WebView

  • Auto-height WebView adjusted to the document

  • Code syntax highlighting


  • Tested with Expo, i.e. WebView module shipped with React Native core. It should also work well with react-native-webview though, as long as you substitute it for the old one (pull requests welcomed)

  • Code syntax highlighting seems odd for long code snippets. It's a problem with highlight.js. You can choose to disable it using highlight prop


import MarkdownWebView from "react-native-github-markdown";

  style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
  content={"# React Native Github Markdown\n\nHello world!"}


For react-native-webview-autoheight

  • autoHeight (default: true) disable it if you don't want auto-height
  • width (default: Screen width)
  • defaultHeight (default height unless autoHeight)

For Markdown

  • content raw markdown content to render
  • highlight whether to use highlight.js for syntax highlighting
