Globehopper App built with React Native

Globehopper App – Capstone Project at neuefische Bootcamp

Globehopper is an app, where you can track which countries you have already visited and where you want to go next


With this travel app, you can easily keep track of the countries you have visited and plan your future travels all in one place

Getting started

To get started simply visit Glopehopper App and try it out! No further installation is required. Just open the link on your preferred web browser and enjoy

Tech Stack

  • React for building the user interface
  • Next.js for server rendered React applications
  • Styled Components for CSS styling
  • useSWR for fetching an API


If you are a passionate traveler, this travel app offers some features to make your travel experience easier and more enjoyable. Here are the key features that our app provides

  • Visually displayed progress bars on the homepage, showcasing the number of countries you have visited so far
  • A comprehensive list of all countries where you can filter by continent or search for a country by name
  • The ability to mark countries as “visited” or “want to go” directly from the country list
  • Clicking on a country’s name will take you to a detailed page that displays useful information such as the country’s continent, languages, currencies, and current local time
  • The “Explored” page displays all the countries that you have marked as “visited” and sorts them alphabetically
  • The “Wish list” page displays all the countries that you have marked as “want to go” and sorts them alphabetically
  • The “Plan your trip” button takes you to a form where you can enter the details of your upcoming trip and submit them. You can also edit or delete these details at any time


This project is the final capstome project implemented during the Web Development Bootcamp at neuefische. I would like to thank the entire team of neuefische for their guidance and support throughout the whole process!


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