Popular wordle game with React Native
Popular wordle game with React Native.
Dark Mode Enabled ?
- Node
or newer - React Native for development
- Xcode for iOS development
- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development - Android Marshmallow or newer on your Android device to test properly
Get Started
1. Installation
On the command prompt run the following commands
$ git clone https://github.com/eramudeep/react-native-wordle.git
$ cd react-native-redux-starter/
$ npm install
2. Simulate for iOS
$ cd ios && pod install
Method One
Open the project in Xcode from ios/react_native_redux_starter.xcodeproj.
Hit the play button.
Method Two
- Run the following command in your terminal.
$ react-native run-ios
3. Simulate for Android
Make sure you have an Android emulator installed and running.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ react-native run-android