Professional react-native starter kit with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps

React Native Starter

The Professional React Native Starter with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps.

  • Opinionated dependencies
  • React Native Navigation 4
  • TypeScript 3.7
  • Auto Linking
  • Gradle 5
  • Unit and integration tests
  • Continuous delivery support for Microsoft App Center

Getting Started

Super-Quick Start

git clone my-new-app

cd my-new-app
yarn rename "MyNewApp" com.ueno.mynewapp
yarn start
yarn ios # or yarn android

Alternatively you can use create-ueno-app:

yarn create ueno-app native my-new-app co.ueno.mynewapp

Running automated tests


yarn build:e2e:ios
yarn test:e2e:ios

Note: To see the testing in-action, open the iPhone X Simulator manually before running the tests.


yarn build:e2e:android
yarn test:e2e:android

Note: You will need to create Emulator with the name Pixel_2_API_28 in Android Studio.
