Pure JavaScript image collage component for React Native

React Native Images Collage

Pure JavaScript image collage component for React Native.


To get started install via npm:

 npm install react-native-images-collage --save


Dynamic and Static Collage

To use in React Native. Import:

 import { DynamicCollage, StaticCollage } from './react-native-images-collage';

Then add this to your code:

    width={Dimensions.get('window').width / 1.1}
    height={Dimensions.get('window').width / 1.1}
    images={ photos }
    matrix={ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] } />

StaticCollage does not include any panning, scaling or arrangement logic. Used this is if you want to render multiple non-interactive collages. StaticCollage takes the same props as DynamicCollage.


Instead of building your own matrix of collage layouts. There is a JSON file you can import which includes multiple layouts, up to 6 images.

 import { LayoutData } from 'react-native-images-collage';

You can then access a layout like so:

 matrix={ LayoutData[NumberOfImages][i].matrix }
 direction={ LayoutData[NumberOfImages][i].direction }

The number in the first bracket will be the configuration you want to access. E.g. configuration for 5 images. The second number is the specific layout you want to access e.g. [2, 2, 1]. You will have to inspect the JSON file to find this out.


If you want to capture the collage as a single image. Take a look at react-native-view-shot.


Note: For this to work as expected, the number of images has to be equal to the result of all numbers in the matrix. e.g. if matrix is [ 1, 2, 1 ] ( 1 + 2 + 1 = 4), there has to be 4 images.

Prop Type Optional Default Description
width float No Width of component. Not optional. Used to calculate image boundaries for switching
height float No Height of component. Not optional. Used to calculate image boundaries for switching
images array No Images for the collage.
matrix centered No An array [ 1, 1, 1 ] equal to the number of images. Used to define the layout
separators int Yes 0 Amount of space between images.
direction string Yes row Direction of the collage: 'row' or 'column'.
borders int Yes 4 Width of borders.
borderColor string Yes white Border colour.
backgroundColor string Yes white Background color of collage.
containerStyle object Optional 100% Style applied to the container of the collage


  • [ ] Rewrite, so it works better.
  • [ ] Add to awesome-react-native
  • [ ] Need to work on performance. Reducing set state and optimizing code.
  • [ ] Fix various scaling issues
  • [ ] Test on Android
