React native calendar range picker
React native calendar range picker
Getting Started
npm i react-native-calendar-date-range-picker
yarn add react-native-calendar-date-range-picker
Property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
onChangeCb | No | (SelectedRangeType) => void | () => void | Function that gets triggered on any selection change |
onDonePressedCb | No | (SelectedRangeType) => void | () => void | When done button is pressed |
theme | No | DayStyles | {} | styles for calendar/day components |
monthHeight | No | Number | 300 | Approximate height for each month (along with days) |
monthsCount | No | Number | 12 | Number of months starting from minDate |
minDate | No | Moment | undefined | Starting date |
initialSelectedRange | No | SelectedRangeType | {startDate: moment(),endDate: moment().add(1, “day”),} | initially selected range |
useGestureHandler | No | Boolean | false | Enable if Flatlist should be imported from “react-native-gesture-handler” |
renderWeekTextComponent | No | JSX.Element | Function that returns custom render for each week | |
renderMonthTextComponent | No | JSX.Element | Function that returns custom render for each month title | |
renderFooterComponent | No | JSX.Element | Function that returns custom render footer component |
DayStyles {
unselectedContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
endContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
startingContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
startingWithEndContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
endingContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
betweenContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
disabledTextStyle?: TextStyle;
emptyDay?: TextStyle;
dayTextStyle?: TextStyle;
selectedDayTextStyle?: TextStyle;
startSelectedDayTextStyle?: TextStyle;
endSelectedDayTextStyle?: TextStyle;
SelectedRangeType {
startDate: Moment;
endDate: Moment | null;