React Native Mobile arrhythmia monitoring App


This application is "Arrhythmia Monitoring" with 24Patch.

Once you wear our patch, That's all!

Our patch monitor your heart signal 24hours.

If you have arrhythmia, the patch sends the signal to your smartphone.

Automatically, app report to the 119(911 in America) if you are in emergency situation.

Also, you can check your heart status easily.


Name Version
axios 0.18.0
buffer 5.2.1
lodash 4.17.10
react 16.4.1
react-addons-update 15.6.2
react-native 0.56.0
react-native-ble-plx 0.10.0
react-native-elements 1.0.0-beta5
react-native-fab 1.0.7
react-native-linear-gradient 2.4.2
react-native-progress 3.5.0
react-native-fab 1.0.7
react-native-linear-gradient 2.4.2
react-native-progress 3.5.0
react-native-svg 6.5.2
react-native-svg-charts 5.2.0
react-native-vector-icons 5.0.0
react-navigation 2.8.0
react-navigation-redux-helpers 2.0.3
react-redux 5.0.7
redux 4.0.0
redux-promise-middleware 5.1.1
redux-thunk 2.3.0
