React Native Text Input Component for International Phone numbers
React Native text input for validating international phone numbers, built on top of libphonenumber by Google using phonenumber-js.
? Introduction
A simple <TextInput>
that validates and formats international phone numbers using Google’s library libphonenumber and phonenumber-js. Works with pre-propulated data and displays an emoji flag if country code is derived from the number. Additionally, adds a +
sign infront of the number, so it’s considered international.
⚙️ Installation
yarn add react-native-intl-phone-field
✂️ Usage
import IntlPhoneField from 'react-native-intl-phone-field';
onEndEditing={(result) => console.log(result)}
onValidation={(isValid) => console.log(isValid)}
For more detailed example, take a look at the demo app inside example/.
⚪ Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
flagUndetermined | string? | ❓ |
Displayed when country code cannot be derived from current phone number. |
onEndEditing | function |
undefined | Callback that is called when text input ends text input ends. It receives result . |
onValidation | function |
undefined | Callback that is called each time the validation status changes. |
defaultCountry | string |
undefined | Two letter code for default country, eg. BG |
defaultPrefix | string |
undefined | Default number prefix, eg. +359 |
defaultValue | string |
undefined | Default value for the TextInput , if you want to pre-populate it. |
defaultFlag | string |
undefined | Emoji for the default flag, eg. ?? |
containerStyle | object |
undefined | Styles for the component’s wrapper <View /> |
flagContainerStyle | object |
undefined | Styles for the flag emoji wrapper <View /> |
flagTextStyle | object |
undefined | Styles for the flag emoji <Text /> |
textInputStyle | object |
undefined | Styles for the underlying <TextInput /> |
textInputProps | object |
undefined | Additional props for the underlying <TextInput /> |
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