React Native UI Kit Written in typescript

React Native UI Kit

This library consists of a small set of components that are commonly used when building any kind of react native mobile app. Written in typescript.

Table of contents


Install dependencies

  yarn add @tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit


  npm install @tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit



A button is component that the user can press to trigger an action.


Inherits TouchableOpacity props and the following:

Prop Type Description
size string Size of the button. Can be one of the following: large, medium, small, xsmall
loading boolean Whether button is in loading state. Loading indicator will be shown next to the label in case of true.
labelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Button label style.
label string Label of the button.
backgroundColor string Background color of the button.
startIcon IconProps Props of the icon which will be displayed start of the button.
endIcon IconProps Props of the icon which will be displayed end of the button.
loadingProps ActivityIndicatorProps Props of the loading indicator.


import { Button } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
    label="Start recording"
      name: "microphone",
      type: "FontAwesome",
      color: "white",


Avatars represent a user and can contain photos, icons, or even text.

Avatar Icon

Avatar with icon. This component uses react-native-vector-icons under the hood.

Prop Type Description
size number Size of the avatar. Default 32
backgroundColor string Background color of the avatar.
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the avatar.
name string Name of the icon.
type string Type of the icon. See available icon types
color string Color of the icon.
iconProps IconProps Props of the icon.

Avatar Icon usage

import { Avatar } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
  <Avatar.Icon color="dodgerblue" size={65} name="react" type="Fontisto" />

Avatar Image

Inheirts Image props and the following.

Prop Type Description
size number Size of the avatar. Default 32
source ImageSourcePropType The image source (either a remote URL or a local file resource).
backgroundColor string Background color of the avatar.
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the image wrapper.
imageStyle StyleProp<ImageStyle> Style of the image.

Avatar Image usage

import { Avatar } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
    source={{ uri: "" }}

Avatar Text

Avatar with text component.

Prop Type Description
size number Size of the avatar. Default 32
label string Text to display on avatar.
backgroundColor string Background color of the avatar.
labelColor string Color of the avatar label.
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the avatar label wrapper.
labelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the label.

Avatar Text usage

import { Avatar } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return <Avatar.Text backgroundColor="darkorange" size={65} label="TP" />;


Headers are the components that display information and actions for the current screen.


Inherits View props and the following:

Prop Type Description
height number Height of the header component. Defaults to 56.
hasShadow boolean Whether header has the shadow style applied or not. Defaults to false
backgroundColor string Background color of the header.
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the header.


import { Header } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
    <Header.Title label="Home screen" />
        uri: "",

Header Icon

Header icon element. This component uses react-native-vector-icons under the hood.


Inherits IconProps and the following:

Prop Type Description
style StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the icon.
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the icon wrapper.
alignment string Alignment of the icon component. Can be one of the following: start, end

Header Icon usage

import { Header } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
  <Header height={72}>
    <Header.Icon name="arrow-left" type="MaterialCommunityIcons" />

Header Image

Header image element.


Inherits Image props and the following:

Prop Type Description
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the image.

Header Image usage

import { Header } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
        uri: "",

Header Title

Header title element.


Inherits Text props and the following:

Prop Type Description
title string Title text.
subtitle string Subtitle text.
subtitleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the subtitle text.
style StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the title text.
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the wrapper view.

Header Title usage

import { Header } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
    <Header.Title title="Home screen" />

Text Input

Text Input is a component for inputting text into the app via a keyboard.


Inherits TextInput props and the following:

Prop Type Description
isPassword boolean Whether the text input is password type. Toggling secureTextEntry with icon will be shown at the end of input in case of true
backgroundColor string Background color of text input.
inputStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the input.
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the text input wrapper.
label string Label to display above input.
errorMessage string Error message text to display below input.
errorMessageIconProps IconProps Error message icon props.
startIcon IconProps Props of the icon which will be displayed start of the input.
endIcon IconProps Props of the icon which will be displayed end of the input.
renderStartElement () => React.ReactNode Callback function that returns React element(s) to be displayed on the start of the input. Overrides startIcon prop.
renderEndElement () => React.ReactNode Callback function that returns React element(s) to be displayed on the end of the input. Overrides endIcon prop.
renderInput () => React.ReactNode Callback function that returns React element(s) which will replace the default input.
endText string Text which will be displayed on the end of the input.
endTextStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> End text style.
loading boolean Indicates whether input is in loading state. Loading indicator will be displayed at the end of the input.
loadingProps boolean Indicates whether input is in loading state. Loading indicator will be displayed at the end of the input.
renderLoading () => React.ReactNode Renders loading section of the input.
renderPasswordIcon () => React.ReactNode Renders custom password icon while overriding default one. isPassword must be set to true.
disabled boolean Whether all interactions are disabled in the input.
hideDefaultEndIcons boolean Hides default end icons for password and text type input. Defaults to false (Close icon for text and eye icon for password input)
height number Height of the input. Defaults to 56
borderRadius number Border radius of the input. Defaults to 8
borderColor string Border color of the input. Defaults to 8
labelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Input text style.
errorColor string Color of the error which will be applied to the input border, error icon and text.
renderErrorSection () => React.ReactNode Callback function that returns React element(s) to be displayed on the error section of the input.


import { TextInput } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
    wrapperStyle={{ marginBottom: 16 }}
    labelStyle={{ color: "#FFFFFF" }}
    endText="Special one"
    endTextStyle={{ color: "grey" }}
    placeholder="Type your email"
    startIcon={{ type: "MaterialCommunityIcons", name: "email" }}

// Display custom password icon

return (
    renderPasswordIcon={({ isSecureTextEntry, toggleSecureTextEntry }) =>
      isSecureTextEntry ? (
        <Icon onPress={toggleSecureTextEntry} name="eye" type="Feather" />
      ) : (
        <Icon onPress={toggleSecureTextEntry} name="eye-off" type="Feather" />

// Display custom loading section

return (
    renderLoading={(containerStyle) => (
      // inject computed container style
      <View style={[containerStyle, myStyle]}>

// Display custom start element

return (
    renderStartElement={() => (
          style={{ width: 30, height: 30 }}
            uri: "customImageUrl",

List Item

List items are used to display rows of information, they are extremely flexible and can contain almost anything.


Inherits TouchableOpacity props and the following:

Prop Type Description
height number Height of the list item component. Defaults to 56.
hasShadow boolean Whether list item has the shadow style applied or not. Defaults to false
backgroundColor string Background color of the list item.
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the list item.


import { ListItem } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
  <ListItem style={{ marginTop: 50 }} hasShadow height={150}>
      title="React Native"
      style={{ fontSize: 32, lineHeight: 55, fontWeight: "500" }}
      subtitle="Flexible list item..."
      subtitleStyle={{ fontWeight: "300", color: "grey" }}
      label="List item button"

List Item Icon

List Item icon element. This component uses react-native-vector-icons under the hood.


Inherits IconProps and the following:

Prop Type Description
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the icon.
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the icon wrapper.
alignment string Alignment of the icon component. Can be one of the following: start, end

List Item Icon usage

import { ListItem } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (

List Item Image

List Item image element.


Inherits Image props and the following:

Prop Type Description
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the image.

List Item Image usage

import { ListItem } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
      style={{ width: 50, height: 50 }}
        uri: "",

List Item Title

List Item title element.


Inherits Text props and the following:

Prop Type Description
title string Title text.
subtitle string Subtitle text.
subtitleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the subtitle text.
style StyleProp<TextStyle> Style of the title text.
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the wrapper view.

List Item Title usage

import { ListItem } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
      title="Find new ideas!"
      subtitle="Subscribe here..."
      subtitleStyle={{ fontWeight: "300", color: "grey" }}

List Item Button

List Item button element.


Inherits Button props and the following:

Prop Type Description
wrapperStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of the button wrapper.
alignment string Alignment of the icon component. Can be one of the following: start, end

List Item Button usage

import { ListItem } from "@tarikfp/react-native-ui-kit";

return (
  <ListItem hasShadow height={150}>
      label="List item button"


The main purpose of this library is to provide reusable, bug-free, and flexible components along with documentation. Contributors are always highly appreciated to keep this library maintained and enhance it more.




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