Red Alliance App written in JavaScript with React Native

The Red Alliance - Mobile App

The Red Alliance mobile application is written in JavaScript with React Native.

The app allows scouters for FRC teams to collect data about competiting FRC teams. This app is the primary source of data for TRA API and TRA analysis. It features a JSON-configurable scouting GUI for easy customization with match and pit scouting functionality.

Build/Run for Development




  1. Make sure that the emulator, adb, yarn, and android-studio executables are in your PATH folders.
  • The emulator executable does not need to be present if you are testing on a physical device. If you are, ensure that it is plugged in to your computer and that ADB debugging mode is enabled.
  1. Ensure that all dependencies are installed by running yarn.

Running the app

  1. In one terminal window, run yarn start to start the code server.
  2. In another terminal window, run yarn run android to compile the development version of the app and install it on the emulator/physical device.




  1. Make sure that the CocoaPods executable pod are in your PATH folders.
  2. Ensure that all dependencies are installed by running yarn.
  3. Navigate to the ios folder and run pod install.

Running the app

  1. In Xcode, open the Xcode workspace file ios/RedAlliance.xcworkspace.
  2. Click the play button in the toolbar.

Build Production Releases

These releases bundle all JS assets with the app, minify all code, and create an Android App Bundle (AAB) file. This file can then be uploaded to the Google Play developer console for release to the public.


  1. Navigate to the android folder.
  2. In a terminal window, execute ./gradlew bundleRelease.


Building iOS releases is not supported at this time.
