Redux React Native Wix Navigation v2 with Auth


Auth is as minimal as possible. All I wanted to show, is how to navigate between public and secure application and how to keep a user logged in.

Data Flow

I only included redux. Most projects will be fine with redux-thunk. If you are more advanced developer, then you probably want to install either redux-observables or redux-sagas. redux-observables are the cool thing to use but working with redux-sagas is much easier.


Official installation guide is here.

The rest of the process is straightforward.

  1. Install node_modules: yarn install
  2. Link native libraries: react-native link
  3. If you have MacOS Mojave or newer then you have to set legacy build system in File -> Project Settings -> Build System

If you have any problems with building your application, please, look at FAQ section of this README or create an issue on GitHub.


  • yarn start starts react native server with js bundle
  • yarn ios builds project for IOS
  • yarn android builds project for Android
  • yarn lint:js runs eslint
  • yarn lint:js:fix fixes errors found by eslint
  • yarn lint:css runs stylelint
