Renders the Picker/SelectBox/Dropdown with common styling for iOS/Android


Renders the Picker/SelectBox/Dropdown with common styling for iOS/Android.

Getting started

How to install:

npm install react-native-multi-selectbox


yarn add react-native-multi-selectbox

How to use ?

import React from 'react'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
import SelectBox  from 'react-native-multi-selectbox'
import { xor } from 'lodash'

const Colors = {
  primary: '#078489',
  secondary: '#124b5f',
  tertiary: '#f7f1e3'

class SelectboxExample extends React.Component {
  state = {
    selectedLocations: [],
    selectedValues: [],
    locations: [
      { item: 'Afghanistan', id: 'AF' },
      { item: 'land Islands', id: 'AX' },
      { item: 'Albania', id: 'AL' },
      { item: 'Algeria', id: 'DZ' },
      { item: 'American Samoa', id: 'AS' },
      { item: 'AndorrA', id: 'AD' },
      { item: 'Angola', id: 'AO' },
      { item: 'Anguilla', id: 'AI' },
      { item: 'Antarctica', id: 'AQ' },
      { item: 'Antigua and Barbuda', id: 'AG' },
      { item: 'Argentina', id: 'AR' },
      { item: 'Armenia', id: 'AM' },
      { item: 'Aruba', id: 'AW' },
      { item: 'Australia', id: 'AU' },
      { item: 'Austria', id: 'AT' },
      { item: 'Azerbaijan', id: 'AZ' },
      { item: 'Bahamas', id: 'BS' },
      { item: 'Bahrain', id: 'BH' },
      { item: 'Bangladesh', id: 'BD' },
      { item: 'Barbados', id: 'BB' }
  render() {
    const { locations, selectedLocations, selectedValues } = this.state
    return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={Colors}>
        <View style={{ margin: 30 }}>
          <View style={{ width: '100%', alignItems: 'center' }}>
            <Text style={{ fontSize: 30, paddingBottom: 20 }}>Demos</Text>
          <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, paddingBottom: 10 }}>Select Demo</Text>
            onChange={val => this.setState({ selectedLocations: [val] })}
            viewMargin="0 0 20px 0"

          <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, paddingBottom: 10 }}>MultiSelect Demo</Text>
            label="Select Groups"
            onMultiSelect={item => this.setState({ selectedValues: xor(selectedValues, [item]) })}
            onTapClose={val => this.setState({ selectedValues: xor(selectedValues, [val]) })}
            viewMargin="0 0 20px 0"

Prop Type Default Value
label String Label
inputPlaceholder string Label
width string "100%"
viewMargin string "0px"
isMulti boolean false
hideInputFilter boolean true
selectedValues array []
value array []
selectIcon component <Icon name={'downArrow'} />
options array [{ item: 'Afghanistan', id: 'AF' },{ item: 'land Islands', id: 'AX' },{ item: 'Albania', id: 'AL' },{ item: 'Algeria', id: 'DZ' },{ item: 'American Samoa', id: 'AS' },{ item: 'AndorrA', id: 'AD' },{ item: 'Angola', id: 'AO' },{ item: 'Anguilla', id: 'AI' },{ item: 'Antarctica', id: 'AQ' },{ item: 'Antigua and Barbuda', id: 'AG' },{ item: 'Argentina', id: 'AR' },{ item: 'Armenia', id: 'AM' },{ item: 'Aruba', id: 'AW' },{ item: 'Australia', id: 'AU' },{ item: 'Austria', id: 'AT' },{ item: 'Azerbaijan', id: 'AZ' },{ item: 'Bahamas', id: 'BS' },{ item: 'Bahrain', id: 'BH' },{ item: 'Bangladesh', id: 'BD' },{ item: 'Barbados', id: 'BB' }]
