Scaffold a react native component within seconds


scaffold a react native component within seconds.


Many repositories of react native component are not well structured and lack of basic functionalities including testing, development, continuous integration... react-native-component-cli helps to instantly scaffold a react native component repository with following features:

  1. Dev locally - Easy local dev with minimum dependencies
  2. Test - Instantly test and get coverage report
  3. Lint - Lint source code with ready-to-go lint rules
  4. CI - Auto workflow for every commit


$ npm install react-native-component-cli -g


1. Create & Config

$ rnc create

2. Run Test

  • by yarn
    $ cd path-to-your-component
    $ yarn
    $ yarn test
  • by npm
    $ cd path-to-your-component
    $ npm install
    $ npm test

3. Start Dev / View Demo

  • by yarn
    $ cd path-to-your-component/demo
    $ yarn
    $ yarn start
  • by npm
    $ cd path-to-your-component/demo
    $ npm install
    $ npm start

To integrate Travis CI, you might need to setup Travis CI for your Github Account

Repo Detail

├── demo                // contains an Expo project for dev
│   ├── .gitignore      // git ignore for the Expo project
│   ├── .watchmanconfig // the watchman config
│   ├── App.js          // the main file for develop the Expo project
│   ├── app.json        // the Expo project config
│   ├── babel.config.js // the babel config for the Expo project
│   ├── metro.config.js // the metro bundler config
│   └── package.json    // package.json for the Expo project
├── src                 // contains source file(s) for the component
│   └── index.js
├── test                // contains test file(s) for the component
│   └── index.test.js 
├── .eslintrc.js        // the eslint config for the component
├── babel.config.js     // the babel config for the component
├── .travis.yml         // the Travis CI config
├──           // README for the component
├── .gitignore          // git ignore for the component
└── package.json        // pacakge.json for the component
