Segmented progress bar component for React Native

React Native Segmented Progress Bar

A React Native progress bar that animates and draws the progress in a circular path. The progress bar indicator can move in number of segments to imply the percentage of the progress.

The following are customizable:

  • The circular track color
  • Indicator color
  • Number of segments PS: we recommend you to use a maximum value of 10
  • Center element can be customized (e.g. you can pass a component that will be rendered)
  • Stroke width of a single segment
  • Radius of the component


With npm

npm install @baby-journey/rn-segmented-progress-bar --save

With yarn

yarn add @baby-journey/rn-segmented-progress-bar


Step 1: import the package

import RNSegmentedProgressBar, { RunAnimationHandler } from '@baby-journey/rn-segmented-progress-bar';

Step 2: create a ref

const circularProgressRef = React.useRef<RunAnimationHandler>(null);

Step 3: use the ref in a useEffect and run

React.useEffect(() => {
      progress: 75,
  }, []);

Step 4: include the component as follows



  1. Single circle

  1. Mutiple segments

  1. Multiple segments with progress circle


Prop Description Type Default Value Required
radius Radius of the progress indicator Number 100 True
strokeWidth Thickness of the circular track Number 10 True
tintColor Color of the circular track rgba #FFEDE1 False
fillColor Color of the progress indicator rgba #F39E93 False
segments Number of segments Number 3 False
segmentsGap Gap between segments Number 0 False
centerComponent A component used to display the percentage of the progress React.ReactNode False
indicator A colored progression path which shows the completed percentage Object. Refer IndicatorProps interface given below. False

Indicator interface:

interface IndicatorProps {
  show?: boolean;
  radius?: number;
  strokeWidth?: number;
  color?: string;




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