Support responsive UI for react native


react-native-lightweight-responsive can change the size of your component into optimized size, based on the default UI size of design prototype.

If you have UI prototype design and the default size of prototype is 375 X 812, some devices is OK, but others have problems like below.

Simple Usage


npm install --save react-native-lightweight-responsive


import Responsive from 'react-native-lightweight-responsive';

<View style={{
  width: Responsive.width(320),
  height: Responsive.height(400),

and then?


Name Type Param Description
setOptions func {width: 360, height: 640, enableOnlySmallSize: false} width, height sets the default size. enableOnlySmallSize will apply Responsive's features to smaller than default size if true.
width func width The size (width) that will be changed, based on the default size (width) that you set using setOptions.
height func height The size (height) that will be changed, based on the default size (height) that you set using setOptions.


