The tool to help you to answer where should I have lunch


If you’re a working software engineer, you’ve probably encountered with one of the toughest questions, where should I have lunch?

Lunch picker is the tool you’ll turn to to answer this question.


  • install expo-cli
  • install yarn
  • install node (v12+)

Testing and run:

$ yarn

// expo start
$ yarn run start

// expo start android
$ yarn run android

// expo start ios
$ yarn run ios

// run test case
$ yarn run test

// use eslint and prettier to format code
$ yarn run lint
// publish project to expo
$ expo publish

// make ios ipa
$ expo build:ios

// make android apk / app bundle
$ expo build:android

// get ios certificate
$ expo fetch:ios:certs

// get android keystore
$ expo fetch:android:keystore

// get current build status
$ expo build:status

// generate android + ios folder
$ expo eject
