UIMenu Component for React Native


iOS14+ UIMenu component for react-native. Falls back to ActionSheet for versions below iOS14.

iOS 14+ iOS 13


via npm:

npm install @react-native-menu/menu

via yarn:

yarn add @react-native-menu/menu

Installing on React Native 0.63

There is an issue(https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/29246) causing projects with this module to fail on build on React Native 0.63.
This issue may be fixed in future versions of react native.
As a work around, look for lines in [YourPrject].xcodeproj under LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS with "\"$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/$(PLATFORM_NAME)\"", and change swift-5.0 to swift-5.3.


The package is automatically linked when building the app. All you need to do is:

npx pod-install


import { MenuView } from '@react-native-menu/menu';

// ...

const App = () => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        title="Menu Title"
        onPressAction={({ nativeEvent }) => {
            id: 'add',
            title: 'Add to List',
            image: 'plus',
            id: 'share',
            title: 'Share Action',
            subtitle: 'Share action on SNS',
            image: 'square.and.arrow.up',
            state: 'on',
            id: 'destructive',
            title: 'Destructive Action',
            attributes: {
              destructive: true,
            image: 'trash',
        <View style={styles.button}>
          <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Test</Text>




The title of the menu.

Type Required
string No


Actions to be displayed in the menu.

Type Required
MenuAction[] Yes

Object representing Menu Action.

export type MenuAction = {
   * Identifier of the menu action.
   * The value set in this id will be returned when menu is selected.
  id?: string;
   * The action's title.
  title: string;
   * (iOS14+ only)
   * An elaborated title that explains the purpose of the action.
  subtitle?: string;
   * The attributes indicating the style of the action.
  attributes?: MenuAttributes;
   * (iOS14+ only)
   * The state of the action.
  state?: MenuState;
   * (iOS13+ only)
   * - The action's image.
   * - Allows icon name included in SF Symbol
   * - TODO: Allow images other than those included in SF Symbol
  image?: string;

The attributes indicating the style of the action.

type MenuAttributes = {
   * An attribute indicating the destructive style.
  destructive?: boolean;
   * An attribute indicating the disabled style.
  disabled?: boolean;
   * An attribute indicating the hidden style.
  hidden?: boolean;

The state of the action.

 * The state of the action.
 * - off: A constant indicating the menu element is in the “off” state.
 * - on: A constant indicating the menu element is in the “on” state.
 * - mixed: A constant indicating the menu element is in the “mixed” state.
type MenuState = 'off' | 'on' | 'mixed';


Callback function that will be called when selecting a menu item.
It will contain id of the given action.

Type Required
({nativeEvent}) => void No
