Use ESBuild to make your React Native code bundle faster


Use ESBuild to make your React Native code bundle faster.

Metro Bundler (used for React Native, Instagram, Internal Facebook) allows for any minifier you'd like. ESBuild is a very powerful transpiler / bundler -- but if you use it for transpilation then you can't use any babel plugins (like reanimated, decorators, strip flow types (required for React Native)). So a decent compromise is to use ESBuild for smaller tasks like minifying the output JavaScript bundle.

You write JavaScript -> Babel turns it into older JavaScript -> Minifier makes it small.

By default, Metro uses uglify-es, which currently produces the smallest bundles out of all popular minifiers, but it's ~46x slower than ESBuild.

View minifier benchmarks.


yarn add -D metro-minify-esbuild esbuild

Now set ESBuild with transformer.minifierPath, and pass in ESBuild options via transformer.minifierConfig.


const { getDefaultConfig } = require("expo/metro-config");

const config = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);

config.transformer.minifierPath = "metro-minify-esbuild";
config.transformer.minifierConfig = {
  // ESBuild options...

module.exports = config;


Hello World

The following is a base project generated with expo init my-app, then bundled for production with Metro:



Roughly ~12 seconds, and 833kb.

iOS Bundling complete 11937ms

Bundle                Size
┌ index.ios.js      833 kB
└  3.3 MB



Roughly ~9.8 seconds, and 840kb.

About 2 seconds faster, and 7kb larger -- this can improve overtime with newer versions of esbuild, which is why the minifier isn't dictating a specific version of esbuild to use.

iOS Bundling complete 9751ms

Bundle                 Size
┌ index.ios.js       840 kB
└  2.46 MB

Kitchen Sink

Bundling the Expo Native Component List (everything).



~151 seconds.

iOS Bundling complete 151312ms
Copying 112 ios assets

Bundle                 Size
┌ index.ios.js      8.99 MB
└  26.2 MB



~53 seconds (about 3x faster), 4kb bigger. This one can change a lot in time, sometimes when the computer is running very slow it's closer to 100s, still substantially faster than uglify.

iOS Bundling complete 52952ms
Copying 112 ios assets

Bundle                 Size
┌ index.ios.js      9.03 MB
└  17.8 MB


error: Invalid option in transform() call: "mangle"

Metro passes default options to the minifier because it expects uglify to be used, simply reset them in your metro.config.js

config.transformer.minifierConfig = {
  // ESBuild options...
