React Native Animated Bottom Drawer

A lightweight and highly performant bottom drawer for react native


  • Extremely lightweight (~15kb) and highly performant
  • Support for snapping (multi level bottom drawer)
  • Smooth Animations and Gestures
  • Completely Customisable
  • useBottomDrawer hook to allow the bottom drawer children to access bottom drawer methods
  • Written in Typescript


using npm

npm i react-native-animated-bottom-drawer

using yarn

yarn add react-native-animated-bottom-drawer


import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import BottomDrawer, {
} from "react-native-animated-bottom-drawer";

const App = () => {
  // ref
  const bottomDrawerRef = useRef<BottomDrawerMethods>(null);

  // renders
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <BottomDrawer ref={bottomDrawerRef} openOnMount>
        <View style={styles.contentContainer}>
          <Text>Awesome ?</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    padding: 24,
    backgroundColor: "grey",
  contentContainer: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: "center",

export default App;

Available Props

Name Type Default Description Required
gestureMode handle content none handle This prop determines where to apply the gestures No
openDuration number 450 Animation duration when the bottom drawer is opened No
closeDuration number 300 Animation duration when the bottom drawer is closed No
onOpen function null Callback function when the bottom drawer is opened No
onClose function null Callback function when the bottom drawer is closed No
onBackdropPress boolean true Callback function when the backdrop is pressed No
closeOnPressBack boolean true Setting this true will allow the bottom drawer to close when hardware back is pressed (only on android) No
closeOnBackdropPress boolean true Setting this true will allow the bottom drawer to close when backdrop is pressed No
openOnMount boolean false Setting this true will automatically open the bottom drawer when the parent component is mounted No
enableSnapping boolean false Set this to true when you want to snap the bottom drawer to multiple heights No
snapPoints number[] [400] Array of bottom sheet heights Yes, if enableSnapping is true
backdropColor string #000 Set this to true when you want to snap the bottom drawer to multiple heights No
customStyles object {} Add your custom styles here! No
backdropOpacity number 0.5 Opacity of the backdrop No

Available Methods

These methods can be accessed by bottom drawer reference or useBottomDrawer hook.


Opens the bottom drawer

type open = (
  // open at provided sheetHeight
  sheetHeight?: number
) => void;

NOTE: sheetHeight is only read when enableSnapping is set to false If enableSnapping is true, then the bottom sheet will be opened at index 0 out of snapPoints.


Closes the bottom drawer

type close = () => void;


Snaps the bottom drawer to given position

type snapToPostion = (
    sheetHeight: number
) => void;


Snaps the bottom drawer to given index out of snapPoints (requires enableSnapping to be true)

type snapToIndex = (
    index: number
) => void;

NOTE: This method is only accessible when enableSnapping is set to true.


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