
SaveFood - mobile application available on Android and iOS devices created to help you save food. SaveFood draws attention to how much the user wasted food and how it can help in the fight with hunger in the world.

Thanks to the built-in barcode scanner and integration with the international API, the user is able to scan wasted products and transfer their equivalent of money to chosen charity organization.

Basic features

  • Scanning product barcode
  • Saving food with a photo, name, quantity, price and percent of waste
  • Manually adding foods to wasted list
  • Donating equivalent price of wasted food to charity organization
  • Support USD and PLN currency
  • Support English and Polish languages


SaveFood was created with:

  • Expo 40.0.0
  • React Native 0.63
  • Typescript 4.0.0
  • Node.js server

Dev tools:

  • GitHub Actions
  • Google Analytics
  • Sentry
  • ESlint
  • Prettier

App version: 1.2.0

How to run locally

  1. git clone
  2. cd save-food/
  3. npm install
  4. expo start

Available scripts

npm run start - start app

npm run android - start app for android

npm run ios - start app for ios

npm run eject - Ejecting from Managed Workflow

npm run cleanup - run prettier and ESlint

npm run lint-cleanup - run prettier and ESlint test

npm run prettier - run prettier

npm run eslint - run ESlint
