
? ? E-Placas

App para consulta de placa veicular integrado aos sistemas do Sinesp Cidadão

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App para consulta de placa veicular integrado aos sistemas do Sinesp Cidadão

Download APK V1.0

User Stories

  • O usuário insere uma placa veícular e aperta pesquisar
  • É retornado o resultado sobre a placa veicular
  • O usuário pode visualizar uma lista que contém o histórico de consultas

Bonus features

  • O usuário pode verificar se a placa veicular é válida

Useful links and resources

Development environment

If you want to run the application in your local environment you will need to set the environment to react native.

To configure the environment on your machine see the instructions on the react-native website.

Setting up the development environment

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/hebertcisco/eplacas

cd eplacas

Important notes

Firebase was used in the project to catch errors and monitoring. You will need to create a project in the firebase console and configure the project.

Console Firebase


Add google-services.json to root path, You can achieve this by creating a new project in firebase.

Assuming that you have Node 14 LTS or greater installed, you can use npm to install the dependencies:

npm install

This will start a development server for you.

npm start

Running the application ?

On another terminal you will have to run the command to open the app on your mobile device or emulator.


npm run android


npm run ios

CI Currently includes:

  • circleci
  • travis-ci
  • github actions


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