React Native Awesome Alerts
Awesome alerts for React Native, works with iOS and Android.
Basic Usage
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
show | boolean |
Show / Hide awesome alert | false |
showProgress | boolean |
Show / Hide progress bar | false |
title | string |
Title text to display | hidden |
message | string |
Message text to display | hidden |
closeOnTouchOutside | bool |
Dismiss alert on clicking outside | true |
closeOnHardwareBackPress | bool |
Dismiss alert on hardware back press (android) | true |
showCancelButton | bool |
Show a cancel button | false |
showConfirmButton | bool |
Show a confirmation button | false |
cancelText | string |
Cancel button text | Cancel |
confirmText | string |
Confirm button text | Confirm |
onCancelPressed | func |
Action to perform when Cancel is pressed | - |
onConfirmPressed | func |
Action to perform when Confirm is pressed | - |
onDismiss | func |
Callback for when alert is dismissed | - |
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
alertContainerStyle | object |
Alert parent container style | - |
overlayStyle | object |
Overlay style | - |
progressSize | string |
Size of activity indicator | - |
progressColor | string |
Color of activity indicator | - |
contentContainerStyle | object |
Alert popup style | - |
titleStyle | object |
Title style | - |
messageStyle | object |
Message style | - |
cancelButtonColor | string |
Background color | #D0D0D0 |
confirmButtonColor | string |
Background color | #AEDEF4 |
cancelButtonStyle | object |
Cancel button style | - |
cancelButtonTextStyle | object |
Cancel button text style | - |
confirmButtonStyle | object |
Confirm button style | - |
confirmButtonTextStyle | object |
Confirm button text style | - |