React Native Style Libraries Benchmark

Original reproducer was created by @tj-mc:

This is an Expo SDK 49 App reproducer to demonstrate the performance difference between using popular style libraries and react-native built-in styling.

Tests include React Native StyleSheet, Styled Components, Tamagui, NativeWind, Emotion and Shopify restyle

Feel free to fork or PR this repo with improvements or to include other styling libraries.

Note: Test scores may vary between different machines with different hardware

Note: Tamagui scores are surprisingly low, I’ve created a discussion about it

1000 items are rendered in to simulate the complexity of a real app.

Read this comment on how to test the performance: styled-components/styled-components#3940 (comment)

Results – Rendering Time for 1000 Empty Views (ms)

Mac Specs: Mac Studio M1 Ultra 1TB SSD 64GB RAM Simulator: iPhone 13, iOS 16.4

graph_1.png graph_2.png

1 2 3 4 5 6 Avg % Slowdown
Native 140.1 135.6 137.5 142.1 137.2 131.3 137.6 0
Tamagui 591.4 579.8 592.8 599.3 586 585.8 588.2 327.3%
Styled v6 227.7 226.7 229 226 224 225.9 226.7 64.86%
Restyle 186.8 162.3 185.2 184.4 186.6 184.2 182.5 32.63%
NativeWind 291.3 289 295.6 293.9 292.6 294 292.9 112.3%
Emotion 280.1 281.7 277.5 282 278.2 285 280.9 104.8%

Reproduction Steps

  1. Start the profiler by pressing Shift + M and open React Dev Tools.
  2. Open profiler and hit record
  3. Press the toggle button and stop recording
  4. Record the time to render App.ts
  5. Average the result across at least 3 runs


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