React Native Spring ScrollView

React Native Spring ScrollView is a high performance cross-platform native bounces ScrollView for React Native.(iOS & Android) It is easy to support pulling to refresh and dragging to load more data. It is bridged from Native after V2.


  • High performance cross-platform native bounces ScrollView (iOS & Android)
  • Simultaneous gesture on both horizontal and vertical directions.
  • Smoothly scroll
  • Highly customizing refreshing and loading animation. Fully support react-native-lottie process with useNativeDriver.
  • Solved the common problem of views that need to move out of the way of the virtual keyboard.
  • Native onScroll contentOffset on both horizontal and vertical directions
  • Resolved no response with onRefresh and onLoading in some special case.
  • PagingEnabled on both horizontal and vertical directions.(New)
  • Nested self like iOS. (New)


Check out our dedicated documentation page for info about this library, API reference and more: Documentation Reference


