React Native adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5

A implementation of Turbolinks for iOS and Turbolinks Android for React Native.


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-swift --save
$ npm install react-native-turbolinks --save

$ react-native link

Installation iOS

Drop /node_modules/react-native-turbolinks/ios/Turbolinks.framework to XCode Embedded Binaries and then check "Copy items if need" when it is prompted.

Install Turbolinks Framework IOS

Installation Android

Change the variables below on /android/app/build.gradle:

  • compileSdkVersion 27
  • buildToolsVersion "27.0.3"
  • minSdkVersion 19
  • targetSdkVersion 27
  • compile ""

Add google repository on /android/build.gradle:

maven {
    url ''
    name 'Google'

On android you should use Volume UP to show Developer Menu instead ⌘ M.


This component only applies to projects made with react-native init or to those made with Create React Native App which have since ejected. For more information about ejecting, please see the guide on the Create React Native App repository.

Basic Usage

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Turbolinks from 'react-native-turbolinks'

export default class App extends Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    Turbolinks.addEventListener('turbolinksVisit', this.handleVisit)
    Turbolinks.addEventListener('turbolinksError', this.handleError)
    Turbolinks.visit({url: 'http://MYIP:9292'}, true)

  handleVisit = (data) => {
    Turbolinks.visit({url: data.url, action: data.action})

  handleError = (data) => {

  render() {
    return null

Running the Demo

This repository includes a demo application to show off features of the framework. The demo bundles a simple HTTP server that serves a Turbolinks 5 web app on localhost at port 9292.

To run the demo, clone this repository to your computer and change into its directory. Then, Open file Example/components/App/Constants.js and change baseUrl with your IP and start the demo server by running Example/demo-server from the command line.

Once you’ve started the demo server, explore the demo application in the Simulator by running react-native run-ios or react-native run-android on Example folder.



You can check for this string on the server and use it to send specialized markup or assets to your application.


You can register a Message Handler to send messages from JavaScript to your application.

visit(route, initial)

Visit a URL with Turbolinks.

  • url: Url to visit. (Required)
  • title: The default value is the title of the Web page.
  • subtitle: A subtitle for visitable view.
  • leftButtonIcon: A left button icon. (iOS Only)
  • actions: A Array of action objects to mount a menu.
    • action:
      • id: A integer identifier for the action. (Required)
      • title: A title for the action.
      • icon: A icon for the action.
      • button: A boolean to show action inside menu or in toolbar. (Android Only)(Default false)
  • action: If action is 'advance', so it will perform a animated push, if "replace" will perform a pop without animation. (Default 'advance')
  • initial: Should be true on first visit or if you need restart navigation. (Default false)

visit(route, initial)

Visit a Component with Turbolinks.

  • component: Component to visit. (Required)
  • modal: A boolean to show a view without navbar and backbutton. (Default false)
  • passProps: Passes this in as props to the rendered component.
  • title: The default value is the title of the Web page.
  • subtitle: A subtitle for visitable view.
  • leftButtonIcon: A left button icon. (iOS Only)
  • actions: A Array of action objects to mount a menu.
    • action:
      • id: A integer identifier for the action. (Required)
      • title: A title for the action.
      • icon: A icon for the action.
      • button: A boolean to show action inside menu or in toolbar. (Android Only)(Default false).
  • action: If action is 'advance', so it will perform a animated push, if "replace" will perform a pop without animation. (Default 'advance')
  • initial: Should be true on first visit or if you need restart navigation. (Default false)


replaceWith(route, tabIndex)

Replace current visitable with a component. With the same route param like to visit a component.


Reload current visitable. For example when a connection error view is launched and you want to retry.


Reload current session. If iOS inject shared cookies into Turbolinks before it, you can use cleanCookies to clean cookies before inject then. (Default false).


Dismiss a overlaped view presented by visiting a component with modal option.


Back until to root view.


Trigger a native back event. For example if you using a custom navbar and need to provide a back button.

setNavigationBarStyle({titleTextColor, subtitleTextColor, barTintColor, tintColor})(iOS Only)

Set style for navigation bar on iOS. For android set your style on android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml.

setLoadingStyle({color, backgroundColor}) (iOS Only)

Set style for Activity Indicator View. For android set your style on android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml.


Hidden navigation bar. For example if you want to use a web navbar. (Default false)


visitTabBar(routes, selectedIndex)

A tab bar appears at the bottom of an app screen and provides the ability to quickly switch between different sections of an app.

  • routes: A Array of route objects to mount TabBar. Use tabTitle and tabIcon here.
  • selectedIndex: Index for initial selected view. (Default 0).

setTabBarStyle({barTintColor, tintColor}) (iOS Only)

Set style for TabBar. For android set your style on android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml.


renderTitle(title, subtitle)

renderTitle(title, subtitle, tabIndex)

Change title of current view. For example if you want to get title from page source.


Evaluates a JavaScript string and return a promise with result of expression. You can use it to execute some kind of bridge methods on your page to make something or return something.


renderActions(actions, tabIndex)

Change actions of current view. For example if you want to mount a menu looking for data-attributes on page source.

  • action:
    • id: A integer identifier for the action. (Required)
    • title: A title for the action.
    • icon: A icon for the action.
    • button: A boolean to show action inside menu or in toolbar. (Android Only)(Default false).

addEventListener(eventName, handler)

Adds an event handler. Supported events:

  • turbolinksVisit: Fires when you tap a Turbolinks-enabled link. The argument to the event handler is an object with keys: url, path, action.
  • turbolinksError: Fires when your visit’s network request fails.The argument to the event handler is an object with keys: code, statusCode, description, tabIndex.
  • turbolinksMessage: Fires when you send messages from JavaScript to your native application. The argument to the event handler is a string with the message.
  • turbolinksTitlePress: Fires when you tap view title. The arguments to the event handler is an object with keys: url, path, component.
  • turbolinksActionPress: Fire when a action is tapped. The arguments to the event is a integer with the action id.
  • turbolinksLeftButtonPress: Fire when left button item on iOS is tapped. The arguments to the event handler is an object with keys: url, path, component.
  • turbolinksVisitCompleted: Fire when the request has been fulfilled successfully and the page fully rendered, Here you can parse html and create a dynamic menu for example. The arguments to the event handler is url, path, tabIndex.

removeEventListener(eventName, handler)

Removes the listener for given event.


Turbolinks.Constants.ErrorCode.httpFailure: 0

Turbolinks.Constants.ErrorCode.networkFailure: 1

Turbolinks.Constants.Action.advance: 'advance'

Turbolinks.Constants.Action.replace: 'replace'

Turbolinks.Constants.Action.restore: 'restore'
