
A performant bottom modal that works using React Native Reanimated 2



This module needs
React Native Reanimated 2 &
React Native Gesture Handler to work

? Installation

First make sure that you have installed all the prerequisites.

Using npm

npm install react-native-lightning-modal

Using Yarn

yarn add react-native-lightning-modal

⚙️ Usage

Using the useBottomModal hook ?

This hook declares the ref for you

import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';

import { useBottomModal, BottomModal } from 'react-native-lightning-modal';

export default function App() {
  const { dismiss, show, modalProps } = useBottomModal();
  return (
      <BottomModal  height={500} {...modalProps}>
        {/* Your Content */}

Bottom modal component needs to be below other elements.

You can then use


to show the modal

Using a ref ?

import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';

import { BottomModal, BottomModalRef } from 'react-native-lightning-modal';

export default function App() {
  const bottomModalRef = React.useRef<BottomModalRef>(null);
  return (
      <BottomModal height={500} ref={bottomModalRef}>
        {/* Your Content */}

You can than use

to show the modal



Prop name Description Type Required
height Height of modal's presented state. This is required for animation to behave correctly number
backdropColor Basically the color of a fullscreen view displayed below modaL string
style Style of modal's container ViewStyle
easing Easing function which modal will be presented. Animated.EasingFunction
duration Modal animation's duration in milliseconds. number
