
react-native-image-modal is a simple full size modal image for iOS and Android.

You can pinch zoom-in/out, double-tap zoom-in/out, move and swipe-to-dismiss. It supports react version >= 0.60 and <= 0.59.


Execute the command to install react-native-image-modal.

npm install --save react-native-image-modal

How to use

Import react-native-image-modal.

import ImageModal from 'react-native-image-modal';

Add the source code below to where you want to use it.

return (
      width: 250,
      height: 250,
      uri: '',


You can use All props of React Native Image for the original image(not full size modal image).
Below are react-native-image-modal specific properties.

Prop required Type Description
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid X boolean It is for Android animation. Default is true. If you don't want to use Hardware Texture on Android, set false.
isTranslucent X boolean if you use translucent status bar in android, set true to prevent wrong position animation. (In Expo, translucent default is true)
swipeToDismiss X boolean set true to swipe to dismiss (default: true)
imageBackgroundColor X string background color for the original image
overlayBackgroundColor X string background color for the full size modal(default: #000000)
modalRef X ImageDetail You can use this Ref for closing the Modal programmatically.
disabled X boolean disable opening the modal
hideCloseButton X boolean hide hide the default close button
onLongPressOriginImage X () => void long press event callback for the original image
renderHeader X (close: () => void) => JSX.Element Array<JSX.Element>
renderFooter X (close: () => void) => JSX.Element Array<JSX.Element>
onTap X (eventParams: {locationX: number; locationY: number; pageX: number; pageY: number;}) => void one tap event callback for the full size modal
onDoubleTap X () => void double tap event callback for the full size modal
onLongPress X () => void long press event callback for the full size modal
onOpen X () => void open event callback for the full size modal
didOpen X () => void event callback after open for the full size modal
onMove X (position: {type: string; positionX: number; positionY: number; scale: number; zoomCurrentDistance: number;}) => void move event callback for the full size modal
responderRelease X (vx?: number, scale?: number) => void responder release event callback for the full size modal
willClose X () => void event callback before close for the full size modal
onClose X () => void close event callback for the full size modal


  • Open and close the image modal


  • pinch zoom in/out and move


  • double tap zoom in/out


  • swipe to dismiss


  • customize the component with the close button


Example code

You can see the example code and demo.

Clone the repository

git clone

Install libraries

cd Example
npm install

# iOS
cd ios
pod install

Execute the example project

# Example folder
# iOS
npm run ios
# Android
npm run android


You can follow below to contribute react-native-image-modal.

Clone the repository

git clone

Execute the typescript via npm script

npm install
npm start

Execute the Develop project via the commands below.

cd Develop
npm install

# android
npm run android

# ios
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
npm run ios
