
AnimationWrapperView is a collection of a well defined set of component level animations, that a developer can utilize just by providing some configurations. AnimationWrapperView will add plug and play type support to the already robust Animated API, and will take care of all the intricate details of each animation type.

Sample code

const bounceConfig: BounceAnimation = {
    type: AnimationType.BOUNCE,
    triggerType: AnimationTriggerType.ON_CLICK,
    bounceHeight: 20,
    animationDuration: 1000

<AnimationWrapperView animationConfig={bounceConfig}>
    {/* {your component} */}


npm i animation-wrapper-view

Live Demo

An Expo snack is created illustrating capabilities of animation-wrapper-view, visit and play around!!

AnimationWrapperView capabilities

  • Robustly exposed API to allow developer to have control over various aspects of predefined animations.
  • Ability to compose your own animations on the fly by providing a custom JSON.

Start, Pause and Reset Animation

private _wrapperRef: AnimationWrapperView | null;

render() {
    return (
            ref={(ref) => (this._wrapperRef = ref)}
                {your component}

// Start animation on button press.
private _onPressToStart = (_: GestureResponderEvent) => {

// Pause animation on button press.
private _onPressToPause = (_: GestureResponderEvent) => {

// Reset animation on button press.
private _onPressToReset = (_: GestureResponderEvent) => {

AnimationWrapperView props

Prop name Prop Type Description
animationConfig BaseAnimation Object which will contain all optional and non-optional parameters needed to render the animation, including AnimationType, AnimationTriggerType, etc.
onAnimationFinish () => void (optional) Callback function, if provided will be invoked once animation is finished.
onAnimationStart () => void (optional) Callback function, if provided will be invoked when the animation is triggered.

Types of supported Animations

Predefined Animations

JSON Based custom Animations

Different types of animation configs

To note, all the AnimationConfig objects extend from, so animationDuration, triggerType, triggerDelay, and interpolation properties are available to each of the animation definitions.

AnimationConfig Property name Type Description Demo
BaseAnimationConfig type AnimationType AnimationType enum will determine which type of animation will be rendered
triggerType AnimationTriggerType AnimationTriggerType enum defines the trigger critera of animation invokation; ON_LOAD, ON_CLICK
interpolation InterpolationDef InterpolationDef defines the property related to interpolation that will be applied to the animation timing function.
triggerDelay number This controls the animation trigger for ON_LOAD animation, it'll introduce delay before the animation is started
animationDuration number This defines how long the animation will be played before stopping.
BounceAnimationConfig bounceHeight number This param defines the value of Y axis translation which will give the visual appearance of the view bouncing. Bounce
FadeAnimationConfig initialOpacity number This will define the initial opacity of the view when the Animation starts playing Fae Out
finalOpacity number This will define the final opacity of the view once animation ends Fade In
RippleAnimationConfig rippleColor string This will define the ripple color, the input value could be a supported color name, or a hexcode value. Ripple
rippleCount number This determines how many ripples will be shown before animation ends
rippleDuration number This determines for how long an individual ripple will animate.
rippleIntervalDuration number This determines the time duration interval between each ripple.
rippleRadius number This will define the size of the ripple in its fully expanded state.
ScaleAnimationConfig fromScale number This will define the initial scale of the view before animation starts. Scale In
toScale number This will define the final scaale of the view once animation ends. Scale out
SlideHorizontalAnimationConfig initialOffset number This will define the initial offset from the view's original position before starting the animation. Slide in
finalOffset number This will define the final offset of the view once animation ends, 0 value will lead the view back to its original position. Slide out
direction SlideHorizontalDirection The direction param in this case will define the slide direction; 'ltr': left to right, or 'rtl': Right to left
SlideVerticalAnimationConfig initialOffset number This will define the initial offset from the view's original position before starting the animation.
finalOffset number This will define the final offset of the view once animation ends, 0 value will lead the view back to its original position.
direction SlideVerticalDirection The direction param in this case will define the slide direction; 'up_down': top to down, or 'down_up': below the view to upwards.
DraggableAnimationConfig TBD TBD TBD

In Action


Define your custom animations!

AnimationWrapperView also gives you the capability to define your custom animation using JSON.
This tool is very powerful as it allows you to play with various transformation attributes that can be applied to any Animated.View.

  • A TransformDef object defines an individual piece of transformation, f(from) to t(to) value and the p(property) to transform.
  • An array of TransformDef along with the duration and the InterpolationDef will create an AnimationDef object. All the transformations defined in the array will play in parallel.
  • An array of AnimationDef definitions can be played in sequence to render any type of animation (limited by imagination :P).

Type definitions:

Type name params usage
TransformDef property: TransformType Defines the property to transform: scale, fade, opacity, translateY, rotate, translateX, rotateX, rotateY , scaleX, scaleY
to:number The starting value of the transformation
from:number The final value of transformation after animation
Type name params usage
InterpolationDef easing: EasingType Defines the easing that will be applied to the transformation set: linear, quad, circle, elastic, bounce, back.
params: InterpolationParams Some easing functions require extra params, we use this object to populate the optional params for easing functions, please note if a non optional param is not provided for the specified easing function, it will fallback to linear easing.
Type name params usage
InterpolationParams back: number
bounciness: number
bezierCurvePoints: Array<[x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number]>
Type name params usage
AnimationDef TransformDef[] An array of transformation functions can be defined, that will be applied to the object in parallel
duration Duration in which the set of transformations complete animating.
InterpolationDef This param will describe the easing function that will be applied to this set of transformations.

Multiple set of transformations can be played in a sequence.

Usage of JSON based custom animation

const animationConfig: JsonAnimationConfig = {
        type: AnimationType.JSON,
        triggerType: AnimationTriggerType.ON_LOAD,
        animationConfig: {
            transforms: [
                    key: 'scale',
                    from: 0,
                    to: 1,
                    key: 'rotate',
                    from: 0,
                    to: 90,
                    key: 'rotateX',
                    from: 0,
                    to: 180,
            duration: 1000,
            interpolation: {
                easing: "linear"

<AnimationWrapperView animationConfig={bounceConfig}>
    {/* {your component} */}


