
There are many ways to onboard people to your mobile app. But for React-Native, there is solely one component that is a) easy to setup and b) highly customizable: react-native-onboarding-swiper.

Your new users shouldn't jump in at the deep end. First give them a pleasurable, delightful introduction and only then let them explore your awesome app.

Getting everything running merely takes a minute. Don't believe me? Try it out!

simple1 simple2 simple3

There are many ways to onboard people to your mobile app. But for React-Native, there is solely one component that is a) easy to setup and b) highly customizable: react-native-onboarding-swiper.

Your new users shouldn't jump in at the deep end. First give them a pleasurable, delightful introduction and only then let them explore your awesome app.

Getting everything running merely takes a minute. Don't believe me? Try it out!


npm i react-native-onboarding-swiper
import Onboarding from 'react-native-onboarding-swiper';


      backgroundColor: '#fff',
      image: <Image source={require('./images/circle.png')} />,
      title: 'Onboarding',
      subtitle: 'Done with React Native Onboarding Swiper',


Try out the the example running in your browser.

Also check out the three examples files: the simple example, the example with a Call-to-Action button or the example with custom button components.

Required Properties

  • pages (required): an array of pages in the following shape:
    • backgroundColor (required): a background color. The color of the font and dots adapts to the background color.
    • image (required): a component (e.g. <Image />) to display at the top of the page.
    • title (required): a string OR a React-Native component.
    • subtitle (required): a string OR a React-Native component.

Optional Properties

  • onSkip (optional): a callback that is fired if the Onboarding is skipped.
  • onDone (optional): a callback that is fired after the Onboarding is completed.
  • showSkip (optional): a bool flag indicating whether the Skip button is visible. Defaults to true.
  • showNext (optional): a bool flag indicating whether the Next button is visible. Defaults to true.
  • showDone (optional): a bool flag indicating whether the Done checkmark button is visible. Defaults to true.
  • skipLabel (optional): a string OR a React-Native component for the Skip label. Defaults to Skip.
  • nextLabel (optional): a string OR a React-Native component for the Skip label. Defaults to Next.
  • bottomBarHeight (optional): a number for the height of the bottom bar. Defaults to 60.
  • bottomBarHighlight (optional): a bool flag indicating whether the bottm bar should be highlighted. Defaults to true.
  • imageContainerStyles (optional): for a page in the pages array, you can override the default styles e.g. the paddingBottom of 60.
  • controlStatusBar (optional): a bool flag indicating whether the status bar should change with the background color. Defaults to true.
  • flatlistProps (optional): additional props for the FlatList which holds all the pages.

Custom Components Properties

You can also provide your own custom components for the buttons and the dots. All of them have access to a isLight prop but it's up to you what you do with it. Also checkout this example.

  • SkipButtonComponent (optional): Skip Button, gets skipLabel as prop.
  • NextButtonComponent (optional): Next Button, gets nextLabel as prop.
  • DoneButtonComponent (optional): Done Button.
  • DotComponent (optional): Dot for the pagination, gets selected as prop to indicate the active page.
