
Easy Peasy State View for React Native. StateView is fully customizable, make it your own state view.







Add the dependency:

npm i react-native-easy-state-view

Basic Usage

  style={{ top: "40%" }}
  title="No Favorites Yet!"
  subtitle="There is no favorites but here are some gifts from santa :)"

Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them.
    react-native-material-ripple  // Main button component, but you can implement your button component as well. You do not need to use this.

Example Application

  • I shared the example project to check what it is:
    check the code, and yes! :) all of the images, screenshots are directly taken
    from this example. Of course, you can simply clone the project and run the example on your own environment.

Configuration - Props

Property Type Default Description
style style { top: 0 } use this to implement your own style for whole StateView.
title string " " use this to write your title
titleStyle style check the source code use this to change your title's style
onPress function undefined use this to handle the press the button
subtitle string " " use this to change your subtitle's style
subtitleStyle style check the source code use this to change your subtitle's style
isCenter boolean false use this to center the StateView's content (recommended)
imageStyle style check the source code use this to change your own image STyle
imageResizeMode string "contain" use this to change your image's resize mode
imageSource image Cutie Snow Globe Image use this to set your own image source
enableButton boolean false set the enableButton to use the button
buttonComponent component default ripple button use this to implement your own button
rippleColor color "white" use this to change ripple color
rippleDuration int 750 use this to set ripple duration
rippleContainerBorderRadius int 16 use this to change ripple's border radius
buttonContainerStyle style check the source code use this to implement your own style for button container
buttonColor color "#FFAF10" use this to change button's container color
buttonTextStyle style check the source code use this to implement your own style for button's text style
buttonTextColor color "white" use this to change button's text color
buttonText string "Let's Go!" use this to set your button's text
shadowColor color "#000" use this to change button's shadow color
shadowStyle style _shadowStyle use this to set your own shadow style
